Word around the traps is that 2016 hasn't been kind to many of you. I had that year in 2011. It started when our good friend Anthony died suddenly in January and worsened with the loss of our ...
say yes | lessons I learned from Aunty Marj
We lost a special lady last week, my 84 year old Aunty Marj. I say 'my' but we're not related. She's my mate Kelsey's childhood neighbour, whom I adopted in my late teens. Aunty Marj had a kind ...
how to make pikelets
It never rains, but it pours. That's the yarn right? This week has been disaster after breakdown on the farm and not a drop of rain. The last time I blogged about how dry the farm was, it rained. ...
5 productivity hacks for busy mums
Are you a busy mum struggling to fit it all in? Do you get up earlier than your family, go to bed later than your family and still not complete your to-do list? Well my friends, you're not ...
marriage and dog years
Bearhands and I celebrated nine years of marriage last week. There wasn't much fan fare - a quick lunch before picking up a truck from the mechanic and the kids from school. We've never really ...
Vale Chief Dog
Today we farewelled our dog Chief. Chief came into our lives in 2006. We'd been living on the farm for a while and Bearhands decided a farm needed a dog. I'd grown up with Australian cattle dogs - ...