And just like that it's school holidays! I don't mind telling you folks, that I had a bunch of things lined up for my last pre-holiday child-free days. The last days of school were cancelled, the ...
rain day
It's raining. Not that will-the-storm-hit-us-or-pass-2ks-to-the-north kind of rain. Not the we-got-11mms-overnight-so-we-don't-have-to-irrigate-for-a-couple-of-days-but-the-dam-is-still-empty ...
the great grass gamble
IT'S HARVESTER DAY!!! Can you tell I'm a bit excited? Our new (to us) automatic harvester arrives today. This beautiful bit of miraculous mechanics will mean Bearhands can harvest turf all by ...
50 things I’m loving this Valentine’s Day
Bearhands and I have a terrible Valentine's Day record. Even if we try to forget our first V Day together, our celebrations have never quite turned out as planned. Our first year on the farm, I set a ...
what’s in your box?
I noticed the smoke about this time yesterday. It was hanging around the farm, so I went to investigate. The smoke was high, so I got back in the kitchen, busily cooking dinner before I went to the ...
fit for purpose: jellyfish + my ill-timed body image epiphany
I can tell you exactly where I was when I had my great body image epiphany. I was standing on the white sand of Wathumba Creek (not in the creek, mind you, there’s irukandji jellyfish on that side ...