This was the first recipe I ever had published. It appeared in a local paper the year before I started the blog. A school-friend was writing for the paper and asked for cooking-with-kids recipes to ...
Helping in the kitchen and licking the beaters are the memories of childhood. Rediscover some of the joy of baking with these recipes.
how to make damper
We're not heading away for Easter this year. There's a bit too much going on around the farm to leave, so we'll be spending the weekend here. I'm not too disappointed, sometimes on the weekends I ...
stained glass window biscuits
Growing up, we had a red tinsel Christmas tree. It didn't matter what decorations you put on it’s sparse branches, you could not make it look any good. As the saying goes, you cannot make a silk ...
fresh pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting
I don’t remember the first time I met Dodger, but I’ll always remember his instrumental role in my retirement from turf harvesting.I’d stepped off the harvester to stretch my back which was suffering ...
blender banana bread
If I had a dollar for every banana that went brown in my fruit bowl, I’d have enough money to travel back in time and help Tracey Chapman out of whatever financial difficulty she was facing when she ...
hot cross bun pudding
When it comes to hot cross buns, there are two types of people. You'll find the first group are those filling their trolleys with fruity baked goodness on Boxing Day. The others, who consider ...