An SMS in the afternoon light to a mate who I knew would understand my plight. Oh Susan dear, you were once a stay at home Mum remember girls just wanna have fun adult conversation? The phone rang ...
bite-sized savoury scones with prosciutto twills
This post is brought to you by DON Smallgoods. Is Don. Is Good. There's a country song about a sunset not being a sunset without a girl in it. I'm no sunset expert, but I do know food and in my ...
mock chicken + flattery | time-worn tucker
If you have siblings, there's a very good chance that at some point you've played the annoying I'm-going-to-copy-everything-you-say game. I'll offer similar odds that at some point you drove your ...
bites for blokes – Jan’s man food
Long term readers will recall my tearful reunion with Jack last year. Jack is a bit of a doggy delinquent and I’ve collected him from many far flung places over the years. If I’d only strapped a ...
oat cakes, expats and rastafarian rodents
With the exception of 45 minutes on a flight from Phuket to Singapore when I was so embarrassed by my compatriots I wished I was from anywhere else, I have never wanted to be anything other than ...
Maltese sandwiches and fairy tales
In Malta, great importance is placed on fecundity. The Maltese consider children so important that their fairy tales don't end with "and they lived happily ever after". Instead the Maltese say "u ...