Is your crackling a bit hit-and-miss? Not getting perfect crackling every time? Mine was too, until I had a crackling coaching session with a retired butcher. Here are four reasons why you're not ...
winter warmers
how to make toad in the hole
I’m not sure exactly when I became a sausage snob. I suspect my days at school when no one seemed able to raise a dollar without rolling a thin brown snag across a just-warm barbeque contributed to ...
pea and ham soup with parsley oil + breathing out
Did you hear that whooshing sound this morning? It was the sound of the collective sigh of relief that mothers all over Australia breathed out as they packed the last school lunches of the ...
sago and stewed prunes + bats in my belfry
By my calculations it’s been 8 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes and 3 seconds since I was alone, even for one waking minute. The Big Sister has a cough which draws uncomfortable stares and inspires old ...
soy poached salmon with soba noodles + a few things I learned at university
This post is brought to you by Origin Energy Even at University I knew that studying zoology was going to be a niche market. I knew there wouldn't be loads of application to real life. Sure, ...
vanilla braised beef cheeks
On the weekend, while no one (including me) was looking, Cooker and a Looker turned two. I went back to my first ever post to check the exact date; the post was vanilla braised beef cheeks and it was ...