Dear Mum and Dad, Thanks for the postcard you send the Big Sister and her class. It's good to hear you're enjoying Arles. Did you by any chance partake of a few too many French Burgundies, fall and hit your heads? Was the Moulin Rouge out of bum titty bum bum postcards? Seriously this is the only chain of events I can come up with that might explain why you chose a postcard of ...
time-worn tucker
I’m Pinning Around Pinterest Link Party
What a difference a week makes! This time last week, I was bunkering down for a week of house arrest, while the Little Sister was treated for whooping cough. The treatment is finished and she's no longer infectious, so I'm hopeful we may rejoin the real world today. Both girls still have terrible coughing bouts, so we'll be taking baby steps. Wednesday is fast becoming a day to look forward to ...
why I write
Last week Kirsten from Kirsten and Co. invited me to take part in a blog baton race called Why I Write. I agreed happily, it seemed like a bit of fun. Four easy questions to answer, except I didn't find them easy to answer at all. Last night, I threw the towel in and hoped fresh eyes would help me this morning. I probably don't have answers because I'm still shocked that I enjoy writing. ...
things I learned from Jane Goodall
I had an awkward chat with Steve Irwin about Jane Goodall once. (In hindsight, it was probably only awkward for me really, because I was not quite twenty and not fond of being wrong.) I was living at home with my folks in Brisbane, studying Science during the week and working at Australia Zoo on weekends. Steve was flying in from overseas and I was waiting at home for the call to collect him ...
the sound of my own voice + a thank you note from quarantine
Firstly, thank you for the outpouring of support for our family after yesterday's post. I'm touched and humbled by your messages. There's a lot of love out there on the inter web and we were lucky enough to be on the receiving end of it yesterday. Thank you all. The girls had an OK night, they still coughed and cried but not any worse than last night. The cheery lady from Public Health told me ...
my fully immunised daughters have whooping cough
I’m lying on a mattress on the floor, next to a fire engine bed. Above me are five glow-in-the-dark stars arranged in the shape of the Southern Cross. I’m having flashbacks to childhood sleepovers - late nights spent talking and giggling in the dark. But this is no laughing matter. I'm sleeping on the floor because the Little Sister has whooping cough. At the other end of the corridor, ...