You may have seen that Australia picked up gold and silver medals at the Olympics last night. While the action in London is dominating the news coverage, a very big event has happened in our household - I won second prize at The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland with my mustard pickles! (cue thunderous applause!) Yep, you would have thought I'd won the ...
My DIY Pore Strip Adventure (Pin in haste, repent at leisure)
Some Mondays are better than others. I hadn't even made it out of bed this morning when I knew which kind of Monday this would be. While I cuddled both girls in bed, The Big Sister out of the blue asked "Mummy, why are penises stripey?" and I knew immediately that this was one-of-those-Mondays. The house needs, well, work. Lots and lots of house work and I have absolutely no inclination to do ...
Buggy Good Party – the girl’s insect birthday
D and I don't find out the gender of our babies during pregnancy. We're surprise people. But during my pregnancy with the Big Sister I was terrified that she would be a girl. The reason is simple - I don't do princesses. I don't like painting my nails and my make-up skills are rudimentary at best. I pictured myself sitting at dancing lessons with all the other dancing mummies and it filled ...
Passionfruit Butter and a Thermochef Pav
Today's post is bought to you by Amoxil Paediatric Drops... well not really, but I am very relieved to report that the Little Sister is finally on the mend! In a testament to what a good night's sleep can do, I whipped up some Passionfruit Butter yesterday afternoon in my new Thermochef. Yes siree, for the past few weeks I have been the proud owner of a Nature Thermochef. I'm loving ...
Two small roadblocks on the road to romance
Today is our fifth wedding anniversary. This past year in particular I've had even more reason to be grateful that when Bearhands said 'for better and for worse' he meant it. We'd had high hopes for our anniversary this year - you see we've never actually managed to celebrate it - just Bearhands and I. We spent our first anniversary in hospital with the 3 day old Big Sister - looking blankly at ...
Australian Women’s Weekly Train Cake
On this day a year ago at 11.58pm, we welcomed the Little Sister. She weighed 4.24kilos and surprised me with her beautiful red hair. A week later we celebrated the Big Sister's third birthday at the farm. I wanted the day to be all about her - so she would know that there was enough affection and attention to go around. How did I decide to prove my love? The Australian Women's Weekly ...