Remember my brother Ant? The cowboy who delivers great birthday messages and builds birthday bucking bulls? He singled handedly turned my mood around today. This morning wasn't going so well. This winter has been unseasonably dry and we woke to realise our tank was dry. No water = no coffee, no hand washing, no teeth brushing, no toilet flushing. You get the point. To top matters ...
I get by with a little help from my friends
The internet is full of good people (and a few dicks) but mostly good people. Over the years I've been writing this blog, I've made some great mates. They're the kind of friendships that sustain me on days when I'm feeling overwhelmed or insignificant or both. The connections we've made over a shared love of internet geekery have converted to real life friendships. This weekend most of my ...
thank you
Well aren't you a lovely bunch? I'm overwhelmed by your messages of congratulations after yesterday's news. Thank you for being my virtual cheer squad. I'm heading home to the farm this morning after a couple of days on the Gold Coast for a blog conference. I've promised the Big Sister I'll be back in time to take her to a mate's birthday party. Nothing signals a crash back to reality like ...
23 quotes about having kids that will make you feel better about parenting
Parenting. It's thankless, relentless and sleepless. The good times are wonderful but the bad times will have you rocking in a corner, repeatedly stabbing yourself in the forehead with the horn of a glitter-covered unicorn and wishing that they hadn't outlawed Becks powder. Well friends, slide that shiny pegasus under the couch with the abandoned sandwich crusts and missing library books and ...
the ten commandments for air travel (how not to be a dick on a plane)
This post is my futile attempt at winning a prize from Virgin Australia at the upcoming Problogger Conference. I suspect my use of the word dick will make Nanna unsubscribe from my blog (again) and Virgin run a mile, but regardless here’s the ten commandments for air travel. 1. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s arm rest. Dude, you can’t have both armrests. That’s just greedy. A good rule of ...
how to make chocolate campfire cupcakes
It's been ten days since the girls' cowboy birthday party, but so much has happened since then it may as well have been a month. We celebrated our wedding anniversary, Bearhands went to Sydney, I got back into scuba diving, the Big Sister got crook, we survived two earthquakes, we had a dinner party and somewhere in amongst all of that I think I got some sleep. But before the party slides into ...