I've been hit with the flu this week. I haven't felt this sick since I can remember. Wednesday morning saw me heading off to the Doctor, eyes streaming in the sunshine and wobbling on unsteady legs. And then she prescribed me the miracle that is Tamiflu. I am so in love with this drug (and my subsequent rapid recovery) that I have penned a haiku in its honour. Winter, cold season Feel ...
time-worn tucker
R U OK? Day
Grief is a very difficult thing to understand. For those on the outside, it can be difficult to know what to do, what to say, how to act. I was lucky to be surrounded by so many caring people when my brother died. In the lead up to RU OK? Day, I wanted to share what a massive difference a phone call can make........ After David's funeral, my lovely friend Chantal phoned me every Friday ...
Cabbage Moth Love
Spring is here. Our vegie patch is finally getting a wiggle on and the cabbage moths have arrived. I've been cursing them and The Big Sister has been marvelling at them. It's a very good lesson in perspective - one woman's cabbage moth is a little girl's butterfly. So, I decided to dive into some cabbage moth inspired craft. The Big Sister loves life cycles at the moment, so we spent ...
Daddies behaving badly!
Ever wondered what really happens when Daddy's home alone with the kids? I've always had my suspicions. But at the end of the day, if they're fed and happy and D's not getting all Jude Law with the Nanny (oh wait, we don't have a Nanny); I'm all for it. Last night while we were sitting on the couch, something on the net made me laugh. D asked, so I showed him this. D ...
How to smoke salmon at home
Years ago, a fantastic chef taught us how to smoke salmon. We get repeated requests to do this for friends and family - and everytime we make it, we get rave reviews. You'll need a smoker, but trust me, it's worth beg, borrowing or stealing one to make this recipe. Smoked Salmon with salade folle (crazy salad) Serves Six Ingredients 1kg fresh salmon fillet 4tbs sugar 2 tbs ...
The most important days of my life
Have you seen the promo for the new Channel Ten show "Don't tell the bride?" The premise is that grooms are given $25,000 and carte blanche to plan their wedding - all without any input from the bride. It got Bearhands and I talking the other night - would I have agreed to such a proposition back then? Absolutely not! But in hindsight it would have been fine. We would still have 'got the job ...