With the exception of 45 minutes on a flight from Phuket to Singapore when I was so embarrassed by my compatriots I wished I was from anywhere else, I have never wanted to be anything other than Australian. At high school some of my mates were into Boyz II Men and boys who, coincidentally, started spelling their names with numbers. I was so busy with chemistry equations (legitimately combining ...
time-worn tucker
Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen’s Cream of Cauliflower Soup
Our Uncle Graham writes a beautiful grace. He’s so good at it he regularly gets the gig at family nuptials. He said grace at our wedding. It was thoughtful and considered as always. Years later I commended him on the grace he’d said at a cousin’s wedding. Turns out it was the same one. Whoops! I take a leaf out of Uncle Graham’s book before special occasions now. I try to have at least ...
Australian Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Book
Not a single day goes by in Casa de Cooker where we don't hear something from the Big Sister about her birthday party. It's a source of consternation for me. She brings it up at the most inconvenient moment and hope to discuss her plans in minutiae. It makes me weak and the bloody event isn't until July. This year's theme was declared early - before we'd actually celebrated her birthday last ...
hodge podge and the heebie jeebies
The pioneering women of Dalby would not have been proud of me this week. A weird bloke accosted me while I loaded the groceries in the car and I left my copy of Pioneering Recipes of Dalby and District in the trolley when I high-speed parked it in the return bay. I'm a big multi-tasker, but it turns out I drop a ball (and a cook book) when giving the Big Sister (not so) subtle ...
rage and my three point two-seven minutes of fame
I've always been an early riser. Long before I had two little reasons to rise and shine I was doing it all of my own accord. As a kid, waking early on the weekend meant sneaking out to the tv, turning the sound down low (with a knob children!) and watching rage. At the time the people in the clips seemed to have perfect coordination and great hair. I know better now.... In order to tell the ...
time-worn tucker and corned beef fritters
It's no secret I love heritage cookbooks. Mum bought me a gem this week - Pioneering Recipes of Dalby and District. Published by Northern Downs News in 1984, it's brimming with old recipes and tips for cleaning white kid gloves. My blog of course, has no business keeping anything white much less mentioning kid gloves so I'll spare you those tips. Dalby's pioneers (and my ever expanding ...