Today marks six years since I started my career as a mother. The Big Sister and I have come a long way since I carried her gingerly out of the hospital and, blinking, we stepped into the bright light of the big world. Last month, saw us pack up the nursery and return it to an office. In the draws on the lowboy where I’ve kept our babies’ clothes, I found so many reminders of the past ...
time-worn tucker
I’m Pinning Around Pinterest Link Party
The Big Sister went back to school this week. As I arrived home on Monday afternoon after picking up the girls, a massive rainbow appeared directly above our house. Some people would have marvelled at the refraction of light through water droplets, but I knew better. This was a divine sign from the Gods of Getting Stuff Done.It's excellent timing - we're celebrating another birthday this week. ...
how to make toad in the hole
I’m not sure exactly when I became a sausage snob. I suspect my days at school when no one seemed able to raise a dollar without rolling a thin brown snag across a just-warm barbeque contributed to my fussiness. I’ll eat most things, but I cannot understand how the lure of a beef sausage cooked to the consistency of petrified wood served upon a piece of dry bread. At University while my mates ...
dishing the dirt on strawberries
This time last week, I loaded the girls in the car and under my friend Soni’s directions navigated forestry tracks and dirt roads to Di West’s strawberry farm. We sat around her kitchen table and while the kids ate their body weight in strawberries, I asked Di and her sister Jodi your questions and a few of my own. Have you always been a farmer? Di and Jodie were born into a farming ...
feeling lucky
Today is the Little Sister's third birthday. Both the girls are spending the day with the Little Sister’s day care mother. The Big Sister will be assisting (and I’m using that term very loosely) throw a little party for the Little Sister and her mates. They will play pin the tail on the elephant and eat the fish cakes that I was up before dawn icing. I should clarify that these are cupcakes ...
I’m Pinning Around Pinterest Link Party
Tomorrow is the Little Sister's third birthday, so I'm spending today baking. I love looking back at photos from my childhood birthdays and seeing how much effort Mum put into my cake. I want the girls to feel the same, so every year I sit them down with a few birthday cake books and let them choose whatever captures their imagination. Then I say silent prayers that Dad will materialise from ...