It's Valentines Day apparently. Bearhands and I have never made a big deal about it. I suspect this is because our very first Valentines Day almost derailed our whole show. We had only been dating a month when Valentines Day rolled around. We made plans to share a seafood picnic at a picturesque part of Brisbane. Then Bearhands headed out for a night with his mates. The wheels started to ...
dishing the dirt on fingerlimes
Ever picked up a product in a shop and known it was a winner? Last year I grabbed a bag of fingerlimes that were being grown sustainably by a local farmer and I knew instantly they’d be a hit. Coonowrin Fingerlimes are now in their second year of production and Tracy Mackle graciously agreed to be the first farmer off the rank for my series of interviews with local farmers called dishing the ...
Sochi Sweetener
Has the lead up to the Sochi Winter Olympics left a bad taste in your mouth? The talk of withholding intelligence about security threats, the "there's no gays in Sochi, but you're welcome" speech and the culling of hundreds of stray dogs - it's all been a bit off-putting really, hasn't it? Never fear! I have the antidote - a cocktail that will sort that bitter taste right out. Sochi ...
flourless jaffa cake + my invisible bucket
I was having a little moment in the car on the way to school this morning, my voice gave me away as I was chatting with the Big Sister. Then, out of the blue, she chimed in with this: Big Sister: Mummy, there's an invisible bucket above your head. Me: Really, darling? Big Sister: There is. When it's full, you're happy. When it's empty, you're sad. Me: How do you fill your ...
the world is still a good place, the 05/02/14 edition
Today is David’s birthday. When he first moved to Indonesia, we threw a birthday dinner for him in his absence. I printed a life-sized photo of his head onto some cardboard and we dressed up the back of a chair like he was there. I made him a cake and we lit candles and sang happy birthday and sent him the video to show him how we were getting on without him. Now, we’re getting on without him ...
never trust a fart: a novella
A few weeks ago a naive and better rested young woman, let’s call her Amanda, posted this picture on Instagram with the caption: Normally a picture says a thousand words. This one only says two: toilet training. What this simple little mother did not realise is this picture did not in fact say two words; it said one: GASTRO. Minutes later the pink projectile puking began. One by one the ...