Remember a time before food blogs, when the very best recipes were handwritten on the backs of envelopes and shared? When I asked my Mum if she would share her chicken satay recipe with you ...
homemade tomato sauce
My brother Ant is marrying the beautiful Felicite in March. They’re childhood sweethearts who have stayed together despite distance, tragedy and my brother’s insistence on eating things he hunts. ...
mint sauce + sins
I’m too embarrassed to show you what the veggie patch looks like at the moment. I’ve been spending too much time inside*. Luckily last year’s beautiful heirloom tomatoes self-seeded while I wasn’t ...
kick-arse peppercorn sauce + making middle age my b*tch
I’m over at With Some Grace today, banging on about how I’m making middle age my bitch. Except, you know, I’m actually not. At least I make a kick-arse peppercorn sauce. Pop over and read all about ...
spiced fig sauce
History is thick with references to figs. Historians suspect that the forbidden fruit from the biblical Garden of Eden was a fig and, after eating one, Adam and Eve realised their nakedness and ...
the fruits of my labour | homemade tomato paste
The tomatoes that I lovingly raised to seedlings, then planted in the garden and nurtured through the driest period that we’ve experienced on the farm, have started to fruit. As luck would have it, ...