I’m too embarrassed to show you what the veggie patch looks like at the moment. I’ve been spending too much time inside*. Luckily last year’s beautiful heirloom tomatoes self-seeded while I wasn’t looking, so its not a total bust.
I broke the cardinal sin of gardening a few months ago and planted mint directly into the garden. Predictably it’s making a complete weed of itself, I keep being rough with it but it keeps growing back. I couldn’t bear to throw the leaves away from the last savage haircut I gave the mint, so I went back to basics - mint sauce. It’s so ridiculously simple to make and it tastes so much better than the bought stuff - you’ll wonder why you haven’t been doing it your whole life. Make it about two hours before serving, to allow the flavour to develop.
simple mint sauce
½ cup finely chopped mint
3 tbs sugar
3 tbs boiling water
3 tbs white wine vinegar
Place mint in a bowl, add the sugar and boiling water and allow to stand until cold.
Add the vinegar and stir well.
Serve with lamb.
I’m letting the mint get a little lanky, in anticipation of enjoying several large jugs of mojitos over the Christmas period. I figure I'll follow my cardinal gardening sin with another - indulgence!

Add impatience to my list of shortcomings
what's your favourite indulgence?
ever made your own mint sauce?
* not that the inside of our house reflects that!
mummywifeme says
Oh that does look good and simple. Our veggie patch is growing mint like wildflowers. It will be good to put some of it to good use.
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
It's ridiculously easy and soooo good, I'm disappointed I didn't realize earlier!
Annie says
I used to have mint in the garden, and then it just overtook everything, and started popping up in the neighbours garden (from under the fence). I pulled it all out, but never even thought about making my own sauce with it. With summer coming, mint adds so much to dishes, I really should plant it again (but in a tub!!).
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
No cooking required = perfect side for camping Annie!
laurenm83 says
Thanks for the inspiration to do something with the jungle of mint we have growing. Now just need some ideas for parsley!
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
Whenever I've got a parsley oversupply I make salsa verde!
Jody at Six Little Hearts says
Mint sauce is a favourite of mine! Thanks for this. I will try it out for Christmas dinner just like my Grandmother used to make!
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
It's so tasty Jody - can believe I didn't realise how simple it was to make!
Kate @ Quitting The Quick Fix says
Ooh, good idea. I have heard about mint growing like a weed but in my few attempts at gardening I have still managed to kill it!?! Love home made mint sauce, plus you know exactly what is in it! Great photo too
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
I love knowing what's in the stuff we eat Kate. I'm on a mission to perfect homemade tomato sauce this week. 🙂
Stefan Gut says
Hi Amanda. I love mint, next to basil its my fave herb. We have a little pot of it growing next to the kitchen sink. A few fine shreds of it over chopped watermelon with a squirt of lime juice to help it keep. Very summery.
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
Sounds delicious Stefan!
Annaleis from Teapots and Tractors says
I love fresh mint sauce. Would you believe I actually killed my mint plant this year - actually I secretly think hubby might have sprayed it which is a big nono near my herbs!
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
My corn suffered a similar fate last year Annaleis. Maybe it's a farmer thing?!
lisa says
I have not inherited the gardening gene at all, but have been thinking about doing gardening project with the kids..will add the mint to the list-We used to make real mint sauce too when I was younger. Thanks for the recipe
Bec @ The Plumbette says
We always have mint growing in our veggie patch too. I can't believe how incredibly easy it is to make mint sauce! Thanks for the recipe.
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
It's an oldie but a goodie Bec! x
Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me says
I might just shock the shit out of everyone and make this and then serve it to them, wonder if they'll dare to eat it if they know I made it? xx
Amanda, Cooker and a Looker says
Keep me posted Em!
Dawn Pereira says
Will try the mint sauce recipie as I now always make my own apple sauce and it tastes much better than the bought stuff.
MrsDplus3 says
I did not know that mint was not supposed to planted directly into the garden. OOPS!! Mine is spreading like wild fire so it kinda makes sense now. I just love how it smells though. I've never made a mint sauce before so might give this a go - I've certainly got an abundance of mint!! xx