When you write on the internet, you come to expect criticism but this week my free Christmas Planner drew some unexpected flak. I read the message wearily. Dear Amanda - I have a complaint about ...
It's that time of the year, on this page you'll find recipes for Christmas cooking, Christmas baking and edible gifts.
Christmas Antipasto Wreath
If you follow me on Facebook or instagram you would have caught my excitement when Oprah Winfrey liked one of my photos on Instagram. Some suggested that this might be the peak of my online existence ...
how to make nuts and bolts
I associate this recipe with Cheistmas. I can't remember why I do, but it makes sense. This time of year is completely nuts! Things are bonkers in the farm. Bearhands planted new grass yesterday ...
how to make reindeer food
Phew. It's Christmas Eve. We made it*! The presents are wrapped. The pudding is made. The ham is in the fridge. The family are on their way. Yesterday, the girls ticked off a few jobs I'd left ...
chocolate Christmas pudding with white chocolate custard
Remember when you were little and chocolate-fuelled and decided that you were going to work for Cadbury when you grew up? Well, fist-pump six-year-old Amanda. It took you until your thirty-fifth ...
three simple bring-a-plate Christmas ideas for kids
Sometimes there's just no predicting kids! On Tuesday, I threw a little end-of-year party for the Big Sister and a few of her mates. Mum came up to help. We made party food and unbeknownst to the ...