Mum and Dad gave Bearhands and I a chest smoker for Christmas a few years ago. We're enjoying experimenting with different meats and smoking styles. Plus grass farmers love to joke about "smoking ...
fresh pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting
I don’t remember the first time I met Dodger, but I’ll always remember his instrumental role in my retirement from turf harvesting.I’d stepped off the harvester to stretch my back which was suffering ...
crustless besan flour quiche + cadavers
I do my best work in the shower. I’m not sure what it is about being in a lather, but I have my best ideas there. I've practiced my married signature, named my children and written countless blog ...
spicy soup + loaded lyrics
You can’t help but be influenced by your parents taste in music. I sing along whenever Anne Murray tells sleepy Jean to cheer up, and there’s no stopping me if Billy Joel gets in a New York state of ...
Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen’s Cream of Cauliflower Soup
Our Uncle Graham writes a beautiful grace. He’s so good at it he regularly gets the gig at family nuptials. He said grace at our wedding. It was thoughtful and considered as always. Years later I ...
the fruits of my labour | homemade tomato paste
The tomatoes that I lovingly raised to seedlings, then planted in the garden and nurtured through the driest period that we’ve experienced on the farm, have started to fruit. As luck would have it, ...