Much has been written about the traditional camping dessert s'mores. I'm yet to try a ridgy-didge version, because I haven't been able to find graham crackers here in Australia yet. This twist on ...
how to make damper
We're not heading away for Easter this year. There's a bit too much going on around the farm to leave, so we'll be spending the weekend here. I'm not too disappointed, sometimes on the weekends I ...
a mother’s camping prayer
Now I lay them down to sleep and wash in a bucket before collapsing in a heap. May the tent be not so bright, that we’re awake at very first light. May their midnight toilet requests be ...
crockpot brownies and sister wives
Looking back I think Siri knew I was sister wife material. Driving along, not long after joining what David called ‘the iphone revolution’ I pushed the button and spoke into the headphones “Call my ...