This was the first recipe I ever had published. It appeared in a local paper the year before I started the blog. A school-friend was writing for the paper and asked for cooking-with-kids recipes to ...
the most Aussie rocky road ever
It's a big call, isn't it? The most Aussie rocky road ever? I have a reputation for making Aussie desserts; about this time of year I start fielding questions from friends and family about when I'm ...
lamington ice-cream cake
Ever have an idea that just won't leave you alone? Lamington ice-cream cake first tapped on my shoulder while I was putting together recipes for my cook book. "Hi", I said to the lamington ...
Australia Day Party
A few weeks ago, a mate shared an article titled "Put away the flags and enjoy your country on Australia Day" by a Colorado Poet Laureate David Mason. It wasn't a new article - The Age published it ...
Australia Day Pavlova
If you look back over history, Australia and New Zealand have been barneying over the patronage of food for a long time. Historians argue over who invented the lamington, Afghan biscuits and the ...
Moreton Bay Porridge | ANZAC Traditions
Greetings from Fraser Island! Our convoy travelled up here yesterday ladened with enough food and grog to keep us amused for the next ten days. When we cater the trip we always plan as if it's ...