Woke early to heavy footsteps, but didn’t want to risk disturbing the Easter Bunny, so rolled over and went back to sleep. At 6am the girls excitedly unpacked their easter baskets - filled with chocolate bunnies and a giant malteseer egg. They ate chocolate, then dipped chocolate into hot chocolate. Then I made the Big Sister and Bearhands spaceship eggs. The Little Sister, of course, didn’t want ...
Day 19 of Distanced Ed
Slept til 7am and when Bearhands asked me what I’d like to do with the day, I told him I’d like to go fishing in our friends’ creek. Bearhands did some farm work while I broke the news to the girls. Much unhappiness. Packed lunch, biscuits, poppers etc and drove the short trip to the creek. Bearhands got a good whiting pretty early in the piece, then not much. It was hot in the boat and ...
Day 18 of Distanced Ed
Woke before dawn and got up to do some computer work before everyone woke up. Discovered my cookbook had gone to #1 on Amazon Australia and #4 in the UK. The Little Sister woke and we went back to bed for a cuddle. We got up again when she squirmed so much I thought she’d wake Bearhands. Snuck out of the house and drove to a point on the farm where I thought we could watch the sunrise. When we ...
Day 17 of Distanced Ed
Worked in the morning. Then exercised with Bearhands. Still not feeling working out with him is #couplegoals. Gained altogether too much satisfaction from beating my Mum in a game of online scrabble. Am not a good person. In the afternoon, we gave the girls a driving lesson. At the beginning of the year, the Big Sister said learning to drive a manual car was her new years resolution. So ...
Day 16 of Distanced Ed
I’ve found myself thinking “I can’t wait until we can ....” about things and I figure the girls are probably feeling the same, so I started an isolation jar. Every time we think of something we miss doing we’re going to write it on a square of paper, fold it up and put it in the jar. When this is all over, we can open the jar and set about trying to do the things we’ve missed. I wrote ...
Day 15 of Distanced Ed
Woke up determined that the girls spend their day being creators (rather than consuming content on TV/screens). That lasted until 10.30am when I wanted to keep them off the freshly mopped floors. Bearhands and I exercised together. For the record I think Exercise-Together Dean and Amanda are the worst versions. I much prefer the Eating/Drinking together set which comes with a red-checked ...