Slept til 7am and when Bearhands asked me what I’d like to do with the day, I told him I’d like to go fishing in our friends’ creek.
Bearhands did some farm work while I broke the news to the girls. Much unhappiness.
Packed lunch, biscuits, poppers etc and drove the short trip to the creek. Bearhands got a good whiting pretty early in the piece, then not much.
It was hot in the boat and the Little Sister vocalised her discomfort. Made fishing about as fun at getting a leech up your nose.
Life lesson #19: my youngest daughter can whine louder than an outboard motor.
Came home and Bearhands and I had a beer in the shed while the girls returned to their regularly scheduled programs.
Facetimed a mate that we would have been camping with this weekend for a drink. She’s a teacher, so we speculated about what term 2 is likely to look like. Was good to see her face and have a laugh.
Let the kids decorate their Easter baskets while I was on the phone. Bought myself 45 uninterrupted minutes and a craft explosion in the living room.
Dinner was steak and salad. (Bearhands fish will be lunch tomorrow).
Went to bed thinking of my Sisters-in-law and their newborn daughter, wondering how they’re navigating life together. Those first nights are hard but newborns smell so good, don’t they?
Bearhands waited up to try to surprise the Easter Bunny, but eventually gave up and came to bed.

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