The morning started innocuously enough. The girls ate the breakfast, the Little Sister heeded nature’s call, then a blood curdling scream!!! The Little Sister’s howls inspired my mind to paint a number of horrifying visuals in the time it took me to reach her and establish she’d dropped a lego figurine down the toilet as it was flushing. Worse still, it wasn’t actually *her* figurine, she’d ...
Day 36 of Distanced Ed
A better day. The Little Sister settled down to work easily. After English we rode our bikes out to the dam for a brain break. The Big Sister completed her work early and headed back to the house to play. I did some work in the office and apparently inspired the Little Sister’s desire to touch type. She found a particularly annoying online typing program and set about practicing a-s-d-a on ...
Day 35 of Distanced Ed
I’ve often reflected that isolation has made me a better mum. I’m been empathetic to their situation, I’ve spent time doing things they want me to do instead of rushing them from one activity to the next. This was not the case this morning. When the Little Sister faffed about with her writing, I cajoled her. When she didn’t want to do the assigned task, I encouraged her to put it aside, move ...
Day 34 of Distanced Ed
Bearhands went to work early. The girls and I reluctantly headed out to ‘school’ to start Monday. Nan and Pop packed up for home, and came out to the office before they left. The girls bid them tearful goodbyes and found it hard to reset back into school work. The Little Sister battled on with her spelling and punctuation; while the Big Sister coasted through music and reading the class text. ...
Day 33 of Distanced Ed
Dad and Bearhands worked at the other farm in the morning. Nan did more crochet and the girls gorged screens while I prepared for week 2 of home learning in the office. Discovered the girls’ teachers had made a wonderful little video praising the home learners for doing such a good job and outlining the things they’re grateful for about their students. Found my eyes a bit wet and felt grateful ...
Day 32 of Distanced Ed
Was lying awake when the alarm went off. Rounded up the troops and we assembled around the flag pole to listen to the last post and sing the National Anthem. The girls laid the wreath that we’d made. Both my parents have served in the Armed Forces. Mum was a WRAN (back when the women had their very own branch of the Navy) and Dad was a pilot in RAAF until he transferred to QANTAS. Later over ...