Bearhands went to work early. The girls and I reluctantly headed out to ‘school’ to start Monday.
Nan and Pop packed up for home, and came out to the office before they left. The girls bid them tearful goodbyes and found it hard to reset back into school work. The Little Sister battled on with her spelling and punctuation; while the Big Sister coasted through music and reading the class text. Both wagged PE.
School has prohibited screens during breaks, so it was lego at lunch.
We tackled pie charts and fractions in the second session and the last session was science. Of course, despite having studied science at university, I was not permitted to be anything other than the Little Sister’s typist.
After school I told the girls they had to join me on a lap around the farm before they watched TV. Neither was overjoyed at the concept, tears were shed (but I suspect they weren’t actually about having to ride around the farm.)
Spotted the family on Whistling Ducks that appeared a few weeks ago - they now have just two of the original six ducklings. Wondered what calamity had befallen the others.
Come 5pm another load of tears from the Big Sister who’d received an email assigning duties for a group project. I drew her a bath and left her to chill.
Admired the sunset when I went outside to fetch the things to make everyone’s favourite - tacos - for dinner.
Crocheted while Bearhands made me dizzy flicking channels on the TV. Finally exhausted my patience over bedtime protests, took myself off to bed and left them to it.

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