Once upon a time there was a girl named Amanda. She lived on a farm with her husband and two daughters. She started writing recipes on the internet. Then one day a kindly mob included her on their list of Australia’s twenty-five food bloggers. Amanda though it was a mistake - so certain was she that they're realise their error, she uncharacteristically booked herself a flight to Sydney for ...
five things I love about you
I’m heading to Melbourne for a blogging event today. No doubt there will be much talk about building communities - there always is - it’s what bloggers aim to do, build a community of folk who don’t hate the things we write about. The community that have adopted my blog are an outstanding bunch of people. Yesterday I wrote a post that I felt uneasy about publishing, then loads of mothers came ...
I thought I’d be better at this
The truth is, I thought I'd be a better parent than this. Yesterday morning I found myself roaring at the Big Sister about spelling words. She shouted back refusals and I poked my finger into her little chest and called her lazy. Last week when she wouldn’t stop asking for something at the show, I told her to shut up. Right there, in front of crowds of people and my uncomfortable in-laws. I ...
cheesy chicken pasta bake | the good, the yum & the ugly
The humble BBQ chicken is a busy mum's best friend. With a chook in your fridge, you have meat to send on sandwiches for school lunches, legs to offer hungry husbands at 6pm and still enough leftover to make this delicious cheesy chicken pasta bake. This dish qualifies as ugly food because I've included BBQ chook. Let's face it - you'll never find this particular poultry in the ingredients list ...
best ever biscuits and how to find out exactly what happened at school
Come three o'clock, kids all over the country climb in the car and when prompted by their folks, tell them they did nothing at school, played with no one, learned nothing. When the Big Sister learned nothing during her entire year of prep, I had a good mind to have a chat to the principal. Then I learned the secret to getting tired kids to talk. Turns out, if you sit down at the kitchen bench ...
the world is still a good place | the sunday edition
Thank you for your kind words of comfort after yesterday's post. I promise I'm alright. I just had one of those days. A big cry was just what the doctor ordered. Sunday dawned a bright new day. At 6.02am I woke to the girls voices. "Mummy, we made you breakfast in bed. We're not allowed to open the fridge, so there's no butter on bread. Can we have pancakes?" They're not allowed to use the ...