I was not in the mood to wrangle a snake this morning. The stitches are still in my hand. The site has become infected, one of the many downsides to being immune compromised. So instead of removing them yesterday, the doctor wrote me a script for an antibiotic and strict instructions to be vigilant about it worsening. Bearhands is away for the weekend, so the girls and I had a slow start to ...
how to make guacamole
Avocados are temperamental beasts aren't they? One minute they're rock hard, then in the time it takes to type 'how to make guacamole' into google they've passed their prime. We forgive them though because they're 1) delicious, 2) a great source of oleic aside, which has been shown to help increase our absorption of fat soluble nutrients and lower the risk of heart disease, and 3) ...
the swiss cheese principle + a recipe for hand chips
David and I studied risk management at the same time. He was studying risk as part of his aviation degree, me from a mining risk management approach. The principles were the same, accidents boil down to the failure of not one, but several layers of protection. The Aviation Industry call it "the Swiss Cheese Model" which is far more tasty than the boring mining equivalent. Imagine slices of ...
at least he died doing what he loved.
“At least he died doing what he loved…..” After David died well-meaning folks offered these words as comfort. I was not comforted. I'd stopped listening after “At least he died.” My brother was dead. There was no softening the blow with platitudes about the manner in which he was taken from us. Those words still irk me now. I picked up the newspaper at the airport this morning, bright ...
how to make damper
We're not heading away for Easter this year. There's a bit too much going on around the farm to leave, so we'll be spending the weekend here. I'm not too disappointed, sometimes on the weekends I look up and realise the farm is a beautiful spot to be when you're not working! We'll put the tinny in the creek this afternoon and try our luck with a few crab pots. Many of our friends are ...
dark chocolate and ginger cheesecake
Oh goodness gracious friends! Big news here on the farm! Guess who has two thumbs and lightning fast internet? A post shared by Amanda Smyth (@cookerandalooker) on Apr 11, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT THIS GIRL!!! We've been operating on 3Mbps since the line was installed twelve years ago. Recently it was announced that the NBN would not reach farm until July 2020. So I investigated ...