It's been cold on the farm this week. More than cold, it's been windy. It's also dry, so the local firies have been very busy. On Sunday, a chopper carrying a fire-fighting bucket came low over the farm. I'm not sure the pilot chose not to raid our dam, perhaps the trees are too close? But before long the chopper disappeared from sight for a while and reappeared carrying a much heavier ...
salted caramel apple dip
I fell out of love with apples a few years ago. It seemed everyone I bought was floury and lacked juiciness. When I expressed my dismay, my friend JJ from 84th and 3rd told me I was likely buying birthday apples and I had to confess I had no idea what that meant. Turns out "birthday apples" are apples that have spent an entire year in cold storage. Not an appetising thought! I only eat ...
homemade LCM bars
We farewelled a dear friend last week. Mr Williams has been one of my biggest supporters for thirty years and I felt his loss keenly. His passing also reminded me of my own mortality. It made me conscious that the memories we are making will sustain us in sickness and sadness. So on Thursday when I had to choose between homework and letting the kids roast marshmallows on the bonfire; you ...
thermomix cream of broccoli soup
Long time readers will already know. I am the broccoli whisperer. There are a lot of super powers out there and, to be honest, I wish my super power was something sexier - like invisibility or the ability to fly. Instead I'm the champion of getting broccoli devoured with gusto. , 3 votesPrintthermomix cream of broccoli ...
thermomix smoked salmon dip
This is the very first thermomix recipe on Cooker and a Looker. Some of you will know that I bought a second hand thermie a few months back. I've been getting acquainted with my new bit of gear, experimenting and generally wondering why I didn't get one years ago. I knocked up this smoked salmon dip in all of five minutes. It's delicious and the texture is much nicer than the horrible ...
I love Lucy
Remember little Lucy - the poddy calf with a penchant for bunting you in the vajayjay? She's all grown up now and on Friday she welcomed a calf of her own. They're both new to this and they had a few initial hiccups - Lucy having not being mothered herself, there was a LOT of learning to do. So, in what feels like history repeating itself, my retired-pilot dad reprised his role as ...