Skip to the Recipe Mum's been making this carrot cake for as long as I can remember. I always figured it was a recipe she'd clipped from a magazine years ago but I was wrong. There was a carrot cake in the oven when we visited Mum and Dad at their farm a few weeks ago. Mum picked up her phone to show me some photos of what the girls had been up to and there it was. A photo of Nanny's ...
blue cheese sauce for steak
Bearhands cooks a mean steak. Sometimes I help him by sous vide'ing the meat first, but most times he just oils and seasons the steaks, allows them to sit for a bit, then heads out to the BBQ to work his magic. That said, sometimes even a Bearhands steak needs a little crowing glory..... , ...
Fake Away – eleven recipes to satisfy your takeaway craving at home
There aren't too many takeaway options close to the farm, but that doesn't mean we don't get cravings. Here are eleven "fake away" recipes to satisfy your takeaway hankerings, without having to get out of your PJs and into the car. Sweet Basil Pork Stirfry (Kra-Praow Muu) My friend Lim gave me a little Thai cooking class in our farm kitchen many moons ago, and she let me share her ...
Rosemary Chicken Tray Bake
Tray bakes are a busy Mum's best friend. Some quick prep, then bung the whole thing in the oven and you're free to supervise homework, llisten to readers or whack on another load of washing. The rosemary, thyme and lemon mingle with the chicken and potatoes during cooking. Use a large oven tray, so you can allow the vegetables to spread out over the tray in a single layer. ...
eleven great strawberry recipes
Home cooks on the East Coast of Australia are waking to the news of that their strawberries may contain sewing needles. Authorities are advising customers to bin them. But don't ditch your strawberries! Short of running a metal detector over the punnet, the best way to check if your strawberries are safe is by cutting them up. Here are ten great recipes that use cut-up strawberries. 11 ...
30 minute beef fajita tray bake
If you stand on your tippy-toes you can just about see the end of term 3. The end of term is a particularly welcome sight for this tired mummy and her tired offspring. The girls are just worn out. Before school yesterday, the Big Sister told me in the tear-filled sobs that the lunches I pack are so unfair. One of her mates gets Doritos on her lunch every day. Another gets a giant chocolate ...