A terrible flatulence has befallen our great house. No one is spared. Luckily its still warm enough to sleep with the windows open. Life lesson #22: cannellini beans are not the friend of the Smyth family.
Exercised with Bearhands. Making sure I only did burpees was harder than you’d think.
The Postman brought a package from Black Duck Creek. Doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s always nice to get mail.
Forklifted for Bearhands after lunch. A willy wag tail kept me company flitting from pallet to pallet in the paddock.
The girls played in the house yard. Was grateful to the Big Sister for acquiescing to the Little Sister’s request to play LOLs. She asked me to play yesterday and evidently I am not very good.
Drove the girls to the post office to send some more letters they’d written to family.
In the evening, I packed my swag and a bottle and drove down to the creek at our friends’ farm. Scrapped my tuna-and-rice-in-a-bag dinner plans when she arrived with lasagna and salad. Was wonderful to share a meal and a laugh - all from adequate distance. Was particularly grateful when she explained how to wire the flushing toilet. Fancy.
At home Bearhands and the girls ate leftovers including the salmon/bean tray bake. The less said about that, the better.

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