My Nanna's a world traveller. As a girl I had a collection of dolls she'd bought on her travels, displayed safely out of reach and admired from a distance. The doll from China had a carefully painted face and a blue silk dress. The doll from Scotland wore a kilt and a furry hat. Nanna's still travelling and when she visited Turkey a few years back she bought the Big Sister a Turkish dancer's ...
time-worn tucker
choose your own adventure – Voices of 2013
Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books of the eighties? What happened in the story was up to you. A fork in the road? Left or right? You’d turn to the page and the story would unfold based on your selection. I invariably made choices that saw me dead or imprisoned within three pages. Last weekend my life seemed more like a novel than my everyday existence. I must make better choices ...
mock chicken + flattery | time-worn tucker
If you have siblings, there's a very good chance that at some point you've played the annoying I'm-going-to-copy-everything-you-say game. I'll offer similar odds that at some point you drove your parents to the gin bottle up the wall complaining about it. If your's were anything like my folks, they would have told you, in between medicinal sips, "Imitation is the sincerest form of ...
parsley, sage, rosemary and having a great time – the Gourmet Garden Cook Off
Day 2 of the Gourmet Garden Bloggers Conference started with a bus ride from Noosa to Woodford via Beerwah. I was within a few hundred meters of the Sisters for a few moments there - luckily I'd only been away from them for twenty-five hours at that point - any longer and I may have climbed out of the bus window! We were enroute to SJW Mushrooms. Steven and Joanne were such gracious hosts - ...
parsley, sage, rosemary and having a great time. Gourmet Garden Bloggers Conference
Day 1 of the Gourmet Garden Bloggers Conference started before the sparrow farted. Casa de Cooker was a flurry of activity until the girls were out the door and I started randomly applying paint to my face and shoes to my feet. I was ready with seven minutes to spare - just enough time to jam another load of clothes into the washing machine and realise that my boots were on the veranda and not ...
coriander and carrot bread + things to do in the backseat of moving vehicles
I’ve decided that I won’t press publish on this post until I’m safely ensconced in the back of the transfer service’s car enroute to the Gourmet Garden bloggers' conference in Noosa. So many things can derail my departure between now and then, I daren’t send this post into the ether for fear I’ll jinx myself. I’m looking forward to the conference – I can't wait to hear from the impressive ...