I’m too embarrassed to show you what the veggie patch looks like at the moment. I’ve been spending too much time inside*. Luckily last year’s beautiful heirloom tomatoes self-seeded while I wasn’t looking, so its not a total bust. I broke the cardinal sin of gardening a few months ago and planted mint directly into the garden. Predictably it’s making a complete weed of itself, I keep being ...
time-worn tucker
Random Acts of Zen – the interview
I’m over at Random Acts of Zen today, talking blogging, happiness and Homeland. Speaking of Homeland, I'm loving this scene from Sesame Street. Pop over to the lovely Lisa's blog and shift uncomfortably in your seat, while I spill my guts about the blog, 50 Ways to Leave your Lover and why my head is an uncomfortable place. are you prone to over-sharing? ...
kick-arse peppercorn sauce + making middle age my b*tch
I’m over at With Some Grace today, banging on about how I’m making middle age my bitch. Except, you know, I’m actually not. At least I make a kick-arse peppercorn sauce. Pop over and read all about my tour de turd. kick-arse peppercorn sauce This sauce is perfect for steak. Cook your steaks first - cover them to keep them warm, then make the peppercorn sauce in the same pan - don’t wash it ...
as much polish as a rusty nail: the formal edition
We’re accompanying a couple of special girls to their formal this evening. They’ve been excitedly planning this event for the entire school year. They’ve carefully chosen beautiful dresses and stylish accessories. They’ve made the difficult decision about who to invite and worked up the courage to ask them. I’m reminiscing about my own formal today. I wore a strapless black-shot-purple ...
I finished the magazine today. Flossie's off being beautified, which means it’s already in much better nick than it’s author. Truth be told, I’ve not only been neglecting my appearance. Emails remain unanswered. Tumbleweeds roll through the blog. The summit of Mount Washmore seems further away than ever before. Candy remains uncrushed. Carrie remains locked in the nuthouse. Ever wonder ...
the c word – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This post is brought to you by Ski. It was 1994 and my brothers and I were standing around the sink drying the dishes when someone mentioned “the C word” had been said at school. Mum, who was washing up because I’m a slack arse, piped up and asked “the C word? What? Cancer?” As much as I hate the C word, I hate cancer more. This year four women close to me, including Mum herself, have ...