I have a list of things I want to do with the kids before they're all grown up; a sand bucket list if you will. I've wanted to take the girls to Paradise Resort for a long while. A few months ago, I bought three nights as part of a Tourism Queensland sale. The tagline for Paradise Resort is Heaven for kids, Paradise for parents and it's not far from the truth. Here's the lowdown on staying at ...
time-worn tucker
Mum’s problem-solving lemon meringue cake
A couple of month's back in the middle of my reality a day challenge, feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list, I chucked in the towel and ate cake. The response on Facebook and Instagram was emphatic. Lemon Meringue Cake? You wanted the recipe. Problem was, it wasn't my recipe. It was Mum's. Mum agreed to share it with you in a heart beat, but a series of errors that best belong in a movie ...
I’m Pinning Around Pinterest Link Party
Hello and welcome to the I'm Pinning Around Pinterest Link Party. My favourite post from last week was My Brown Paper Packages guide to sustainable living. The farm gets a mixed score card: solar power: tick pod coffee machine: cross food scraps to chooks: tick too many appliances: cross. Not only was Malinda's post a great list of changes we can make in our homes, it reacquainted ...
an open letter to Katie Hopkins: ginger babies are not harder to love
Dear Katie Hopkins, I’d not heard of you until this morning, so I can’t be certain of what you’re famous for. Based on your comments this morning I’m going to assume that you’re the candidate for the Legalise Marijuana Party in Jacqui Lambert’s Tasmanian electorate. I make this assumption because you appear to be high. you both seem to have a penchant for mouthing off on subjects on ...
grace for kids
Last month I discovered that the Big Sister can recite the Lord's Prayer. I had no idea she could do it. When she finished I told her how fabulous I think it is that she'd learned such a long prayer. Then I asked her to do it again, just to be certain. The second time confirmed it. Her version goes Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be my name. I started to think about the prayers I ...
Griefworld, dogs and roller coasters: for Eden on Cam’s first anniversary
The following post has been classified M. It contains strong coarse language. I recommend that it is not suitable for viewers under 15 years, Nanna and anyone with an aversion to the F bomb. Not long after David died someone approached me and offered their condolences, I know just how you feel …. I put my dog down last week. How I controlled my fury I do not know. Maybe I was numbed ...