By some enigma of reproduction that I don't like to think about, our family celebrate five birthdays in the eighteen days between Boxing Day and 13 January. We start every year with a bang: copious champagne and a cornucopia of cake, lots of living large and too many trips to Brisbane. Now it's over, it's time to start going to bed at a reasonable hour and to sleep in our own beds for extended ...
time-worn tucker
the girl who forgot how to blog
Was it possible? Could she have forgotten how to blog? It’d been twelve days and she’d tried. She’d sat at the computer staring at a blank page and blinking cursor. Mum? Can I have something to eat? She got up and did something she did remember how to do. She played short-order cook to her babies. Could they possibly really be hungry again? She suspected they weren’t hungry, but in fact ...
2014 in review
My mate Mrs D plus 3 put together a little list to wrap up her year. I loved her list so much I thought I'd sit down and answer it while the kids hid from the heat on the lounge yesterday afternoon. You can read Robyn's answers and get a black copy of her list here. First memory: Lucy bunting me in the vajayjay on New Year’s Day. Biggest regret: Taking the Little Sister to the toilet ...
the seven deadly Christmas sins
Hello there! How are the holidays treating you? We celebrated Christmas with our families on the farm, but now the house is empty again and I’ve taken it upon myself to round out the last days of 2014 by ticking off the seven deadly sins. Gluttony I know I'm not alone in this cardinal sin. It’s the time of year for it isn't it? Why would my fridge be full of pudding, ham and rum balls if not ...
how to make reindeer food
Phew. It's Christmas Eve. We made it*! The presents are wrapped. The pudding is made. The ham is in the fridge. The family are on their way. Yesterday, the girls ticked off a few jobs I'd left to the last minute. We visited Australia Zoo for their annual Santa photo.Looking back on photos from previous years, our girls are growing faster than the alligator. My sister-in-laws, the ...
chocolate Christmas pudding with white chocolate custard
Remember when you were little and chocolate-fuelled and decided that you were going to work for Cadbury when you grew up? Well, fist-pump six-year-old Amanda. It took you until your thirty-fifth year, but you did it baby! This post is brought to you by CADBURY* Some Christmases are just more memorable than others. My only white Christmas: the great calomine-covered Chicken Pox Christmas of ...