Homemade marshmallows are perfect for fetes (they're cheap to make and fairly allergen-free). You can make them just-the-right-shade-of-Elsa blue and cut them into whatever shape your frozen heart desires. Technically, the recipe is pretty painless, especially if you have a stand mixer and can put another load of washing on while the mixture whips. That said, if you happen to look away from your ...
time-worn tucker
six tips for perfect pavlova
It's a recipe with just four ingredients, but the humble pav is a source of much kitchen consternation. Here are my six tips for a perfect pavlova. 1. Grandma was right, cleanliness IS next to God-liness, especially when it comes to egg whites. The tiniest bit of grease will make your pavlova a flop. Wash your bowl with soapy water before you begin. Rinse well. 2. Play it cool. Separate your ...
Australia Day Party
A few weeks ago, a mate shared an article titled "Put away the flags and enjoy your country on Australia Day" by a Colorado Poet Laureate David Mason. It wasn't a new article - The Age published it in January last year, but I hadn't read it before and it really resonated with me. You can read the whole article here, and I suggest you do because it is brilliant. So, no flag waving or windiness ...
Australia Day Pavlova
If you look back over history, Australia and New Zealand have been barneying over the patronage of food for a long time. Historians argue over who invented the lamington, Afghan biscuits and the iconic pavlova. Regardless of who you believe, there’s one sure way to make an Australian pav this Australia Day - follow these step-by-step instructions and create your own Australian-shaped Australia ...
my day on a plate
No doubt you've seen the "My day on a plate" feature in the Sunday lift-out of the Sydney Morning Herald. Here's my Saturday on a plate and I promise there's not an activated almond in sight! 5.30am: Woken by my girls who are excited that our dinner guests overnighted. Husband rolls over and pretends he is childless. While the kids' toast is cooking, I take two panadol with a glass of water. ...
the shortest distance between two people is a story
This blogging caper is all about me, all the time. What I cooked. Where I holidayed. What mortifying, yet side-splittingly funny situation I found myself in this week. ALL ABOUT ME. ALL THE TIME. Over the holidays, it occurred to me that I'd like to know more about you. What you cooked. Where you holidaed. What mortifying, yet side-splittingly funny situation you found yourself in this ...