This afternoon Australia is awash with talk about photos of Glenn McGrath, an esteemed former national cricketer, posing with his trophies. Ironically, these trophies have nothing to do with sport. Rather they are animals that McGrath shot for entertainment. All across the inter web, folks are lamenting the demise of a hero. To them I say, Glenn McGrath was never a hero. Nor was Karmichael ...
time-worn tucker
I'm headed off to a birthday celebration tomorrow. Every year, three of my girlfriends and I celebrate our February/March birthdays together. This year is a bit different though. My sister-wife Susan has planned our day and we no nothing except a time and a dress code. These past few weeks she's been sending us obscure clues about what we're going to get up to. So good ...
make your own muesli bars and ten things I know for sure.
these things i know for sure: If it’s going to rain, it will rain at 8.25am and 2.50pm. School pick up and drop off. If I’ve hung clothes on the line, the likelihood of preciptiation doubles. My nose will be come itchy the moment my hands are covered in raw meat, chicken manure or (in days of yore) human excrement. My children will have pressing needs and furious arguments the moment I step ...
rum and raisin ice cream and the best bits about being an adult
Sometimes I find myself in adult situations and am completely stunned that I am actually a grown up. In these moments, it’s like someone uprooted the shaky foundations of an insecure sixteen-year-old girl and transported her into adulthood. How did I get here? Sometimes the situation is innocuous like covering the Big Sister’s school books and being surprised that they’re not mine: that I’m not ...
taking stock. the Christopher Pyne edition.
I deplore the C word. Won't stand for it to be said in my ear shot. Over the years, we've had a few employees that have been quite fond of it and I've told them they're only allowed use that particular word on their birthdays. I imagine I shocked the socks off a mate when I quoted Christopher Pyne in a text this week. (It was obviously his birthday when he appeared on the Today Show recently.) ...
eleven valentines day ideas (that won’t make you barf)
Valentines Day means different things to different people. Hell, it means different things to the same people over time. Bearhands and I have had our fair share of Valentines ups and downs. We very nearly broke up one Valentines Day and were engaged a few Valentines Days later. Since the kids were born, we've had failed attempts at Valentines Day. This year will be more a celebration of the Big ...