thanks for the warm welcome you gave the good, the yum & the ugly last week. I'm glad you love ugly food as much as I do. I must admit I was surprised at a common theme in the feedback: apparently salmon rissoles aren't ugly enough. Well fear not, ugly food lovers, this week's recipe has ugly in spades. Not only is my mince and macaroni casserole seriously unattractive, the recipe includes ...
time-worn tucker
the folly of privilege, the immunisation debate + a story about a sick baby
In 2004 I travelled to Madagascar as part of a group researching lemurs. Each morning, we would leave our basic camp (no power, no running water) and hike through the hills to the rainforest. When we got there local Malagasy trackers, who’d been up before dawn, would meet us and direct us to the troop of lemurs and we’d spend our day studying their behaviour. We were about a week into our visit ...
the honeymoon crashers
Being a wedding crasher is all well and good, but if you want to have real fun, crash a honeymoon. I crashed my first honeymoon back in 2003, I flew to Vancouver to stand next to my beautiful friend Chrissy as she married her Canadian groom. Then I joined them on their honeymoon in Whister - doing trapeze school at the bottom of the mountain and later, at the top, marvelling at kids taking ...
pink lemonade scones
How is it that in the three steps from the kitchen bench to the door the Big Sister will forget that I asked her to put her school shoes on, but promise to bake with her on Sunday and she'll remember that the whole week? At a weak moment at some point I'd promised to make a cake with the kids, but come Sunday more pressing jobs took precedence, so we compromised and agreed to make scones. After ...
new additions
Ever wonder if your family is complete? Whether you could brave the sleepless nights that the varicose veins in your va-jayjay once more? I've been thinking about new additions a lot lately (for the record, I'm blaming BabyMac). In campgrounds across New Zealand we watched families jamming port-a-cots and prams into station wagons and smiled because we're passed that now. Each holiday our ...
salmon rissoles: the good, the yum & the ugly
I stopped buying magazines years ago. One day as I flipped though the pages, it occurred to me that everything in the beautiful book had been plumped, coloured or enhanced. The highly stylised shots that spread across the slick pages were of settings I didn’t even aspire to. If I attempted to recreate the glossy contents, I’d likely be disappointed when my efforts didn't resemble the magazine’s ...