‘I honestly didn't realise how easy it was to keep the house clean before I had kids’, I said to Dad last week as I walked around Casa de Cooker pulling little socks out of the fruit bowl and hair ties off the floor. He smirked. This can be for one of two reasons: JC is basking in karma’s glow JC doesn’t class the state of Casa de Cooker as ‘clean’. Our house is in a permanent state ...
I won first prize at the Ekka + five other things you’ll never believe.
Dear Readers, Can you believe I'm about to write a sponsored post for Target Australia about fashion? Neither can I. Stifle your giggles and let's get on with it shall we? Speaking of disbelief, last week had its share of incredulous moments. On Monday I was invited to be on the radio again - this time live from the Ekka! When I told Mum, the first thing she said was “You know they'll be ...
spiced fig sauce
History is thick with references to figs. Historians suspect that the forbidden fruit from the biblical Garden of Eden was a fig and, after eating one, Adam and Eve realised their nakedness and quickly went about fashioning a couple of fig-leaf loincloths. It would seem these juicy morsels have been inspiring carnal thoughts since the beginning of time. Their saucy influence continued; in the ...
lard is on the air | lard pastry + pinch me moments
I farmed the kids off to a friend yesterday. I was nervous about my first radio interview, so I thought I'd avoid adding an additional level of difficulty - like the inevitable interruptions for cheese/cuddles/crayons or any-other-blessed-thing that becomes critical the minute I answer the phone. The Big Sister listened to the interview and was particularly excited that she got a mention: “Mummy ...
best butter cake, bar none.
This week I entered my fifth year of parenting. I've thrown a few parties for the girls in that time. The first time I discovered plates of discarded cake hidden in odd places, I took it to heart. Since then, I've realised one of the realities of parenthood: kids lick off the icing and discard the cake. Adriano Zumbo’s kids lick off the icing and hide the cake! Now I'm older and more wise in ...
photo bombs + Afghan biscuits
Bearhands and I honeymooned in the Northern Territory. When we returned from our break, I set about writing thank you notes to our 120+ guests. I included a photo from our wedding and a snap of us atop a camel at Kings Creek Station. I was addressing the fifth-to-last envelope, when Bearhands walked over, absently picked up the picture and pointed out there was a blowfly in my eye. Faced with ...