Home cooks on the East Coast of Australia are waking to the news of that their strawberries may contain sewing needles. Authorities are advising customers to bin them. But don't ditch your ...
30 minute beef fajita tray bake
If you stand on your tippy-toes you can just about see the end of term 3. The end of term is a particularly welcome sight for this tired mummy and her tired offspring. The girls are just worn ...
Mum’s Apple and Mulberry Crumble
It's been cold on the farm this week. More than cold, it's been windy. It's also dry, so the local firies have been very busy. On Sunday, a chopper carrying a fire-fighting bucket came low over the ...
salted caramel apple dip
I fell out of love with apples a few years ago. It seemed everyone I bought was floury and lacked juiciness. When I expressed my dismay, my friend JJ from 84th and 3rd told me I was likely buying ...
homemade LCM bars
We farewelled a dear friend last week. Mr Williams has been one of my biggest supporters for thirty years and I felt his loss keenly. His passing also reminded me of my own mortality. It made me ...
thermomix cream of broccoli soup
Long time readers will already know. I am the broccoli whisperer. There are a lot of super powers out there and, to be honest, I wish my super power was something sexier - like invisibility or ...