Last week Kirsten from Kirsten and Co. invited me to take part in a blog baton race called Why I Write. I agreed happily, it seemed like a bit of fun. Four easy questions to answer, except I didn’t find them easy to answer at all.
Last night, I threw the towel in and hoped fresh eyes would help me this morning. I probably don’t have answers because I’m still shocked that I enjoy writing. English has never been my forte. I’ve always preferred the absolute answers of science and maths. I liked being right or wrong, no grey area for opinion and style. If my high school English teachers ever got wind that I had a byline in a print magazine this year, they’d need a good lie down!
I honestly couldn’t tell you why I pressed publish on my first ever post two years ago. Looking back on it, I’m not surprised no one read it. Since then, I’ve been bitten by the writing bug, and even if I stopped blogging, I doubt I could stop writing. So here goes….
What am I working on? My latest project is a new direction for my digital magazine Flossie. The first paid edition came out at the end of March and I was able to count the issues sold without having to borrow anyone’s feet. I’m a lousy sales person, so I shouldn’t be surprised that I wasn’t particularly good at flogging Flossie. It was a good issue, filled with lots of fresh and tasty recipes. I’m proud of it. I’m just not the kind of bird to try to shove it down peoples’ throats.
Putting together an issue takes me a butt load of time*. I’m a one woman cook, photographer, author, creative director, editor and publicist (clearly, I need to sack myself from that role!). My point is, there really isn’t much point in my investing so much time into an issue if only a hand and two foot-fulls of people are going to read it.
The point of creating Flossie was to deliver my readers a more enjoyable reading experience than scrolling through blog pages. I still want to do that, so I’ve cooked up a new and improved Flossie.
The new Flossie is an annual edition – I’ll bundle up all the recipes that I’ve shared on the blog over the year add a few bits and pieces and collate them into a cook book. The 2014 edition will be available in December and available on iPad or as an ebook for those of you who don’t have tablets.
How does my writing differ from others in its genre? I’m not certain that my writing does differ from others in its genre. My standard formula for a post is a recipe, served with a little story on the side.
Occasionally I don my ranty pants, chuck the food out the window and mighty opinionated about something. Sometimes I write about grief.
Last week’s whooping cough post drew a bit of flack, but I figure there’s not much point in only writing about the good stuff. My life isn’t all puppies, sparkles, and phosphorescent unicorn poo and neither is anyone else’s.
Except maybe Bjork, I suspect her life has phosphorescent unicorn poo by the butt load.
Why do I write what I do? Because I can! Cooker and a Looker is a uncensored expression of Amanda. Not The Girl’s Mum, not Bearhands’ wife, not a farmer or a business owner. Just me, unapologetically and wholeheartedly me. I set the tone. I make the rules. I can write silly song lyrics one post and tell a story the next.
I was flicking through my notes from Problogger, trying to write this post, when I struck a phrase that I’d jotted down during Darren Rowse’s opening address. I’m not certain that it’s his original quote, but seeing as though I wrote it down during his speech, I’m crediting him: “do what you love and it doesn’t matter who shows up.”
Writing the blog brings me such happiness. I love the challenge of finding the story in everything and then finding a more entertaining way to tell that story. I love having something to show for my day, the rest of my daily tasks are so cyclical that I never finish them. Finishing a blog post feels like an achievement. Blogging also gives me something to do on the internet rather than buy more stuff we don’t need and crushing candy.
How does my writing process work? I wish I had a more highbrow answer for this. Some writers have a ritual cup of tea or even a hat they wear when they sit down to work. I fit blogging in around my other jobs. I dream up sentences and stories in the car and in the shower. I used to scrawl ideas on the backs of envelopes and scraps of paper that I found on the floor of the car. I lost so many recipes and stories over time, that I’ve learned to carry a little red book with me. All my little sentences, recipe creations, and stories that might be worth telling, all safe in the same spot. Up until two weeks ago, I blogged standing at the kitchen bench!
I’m not a trained writer, and sometimes the words just. will. not. come. That’s when I find something else to do, photograph a recipe, edit some photos or fold the never-ending basket of clothes that I never manage to finish!
The way this little journey works is I now get to hand the mantle to three other bloggers who will share an insight into their writing process next week. I’ve chosen to pass the baton to three ladies that I’m lucky enough to know in real life. One whom regular readers will recognise from a few posts and two that you may not know, but totally should!
The first is a friend that regular readers will already know. Presenting Robyn from Mrs D plus 3…..
The second is a lady I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Noosa with last year. I give you Lisa from Bake Bike Blog….
The third is Jodie from Fresh Home Cook, who I met in real life at Problogger on the Gold Coast last year…
Tune in next week, when Robyn, Lisa and Jodie give us an insight into their writing process. Until then, answer me this:
do you like to write?
what would your high school teachers be surprised to learn about you?
* Another reason to love writing for myself: a butt load is perfectly acceptable unit of measure around here!
LOVE so much about this post Amanda! Thanks so much for joining in and sharing your thoughts… as always, it was a great read x
Thanks for including me Kirsten. I’ll admit it was a bit tougher than I thought it would be. Perhaps I’m sleep deprived, perhaps I have no idea why I write!
Yes it took me longer than I thought it would too – almost 2.5 hours!! Probably because it was so long, usually I keep my posts to 300 words or so. Great post, FAB images and amazing humour and wit as usual. x
Thanks lovely. Relieved to hear that it took you longer than you thought too. Also glad to read that your writing process is similar to mine! xx
Aw I feel honoured that you’ve called me a friend as well as fellow blogger. Thanks chick!! Not quite sure I’m going to answer those questions either but I will give it a good go. Loved reading this and I can totally see you blogging at your kitchen bench. Best of luck for the new Flossie, I think she will fly!!! Oh and that picture of your girls with the sunnies – TOO CUTE!! xx
Wonderful post lovely. There’s no question you deserved your byline in print, you’re a wonderful writer. I’m just hoping to see you have so many of them in the future that those English teachers of yours remain in a state of perpetual surprise. x
I used to write a lot in high school and I even had a poem published once, but since I had my 4th and 5th children, all the words just seem to have fallen out of my head…
I’m sorry Flossie didn’t do well, maybe monthly was too often, maybe 3/4 monthly would have worked better?
Amanda I always enjoy your posts! You are very eloquent and always make me laugh. Thanks for giving me something lighthearted and yummy to read with my cuppa.
Hi Liz, thanks for the kind comment. I have such fun writing, glad you enjoy reading it. x
I love Flossie!
Thanks Steph. Perhaps a return to more frequent magazines in the future? xx
Great read! You gave me flash backs to Mrs Mifflin’s English class in the year 8 class rooms and Mrs Williams class on the top floor of the yr 10 building. Amazing to think how the world has changed and how you standing at your kitchen bench can provide so many thought provoking moments in many people’s lives. Keep it up Amanda- love reading your talented work 🙂 x
Oh the top floor of the Year 10 building will always hold a special place for me Emma. I used to have Japanese down near the rowing sheds, then have to high tail it to the top of the Year 10 building for next period. Which was fine, until I had my first knee surgery and had to do it on crutches!
Ridiculous how much the world has changed! Thanks for the kind comment. Look forward to catching up at the reunion next year. x
Thanks so much for including me – I feel very lucky. Love they way you put this together – the words & visual are just amazing! xx
I thought we could be friends right up until I learned that fact about you loving maths. Now we can’t be and that’s a little sad don’t you think? I enjoyed this post, like I enjoy all your writing and if new look Flossie targets people that don’t cook and don’t even LOOK like they can, I’m in x
love this! i am being handed the baton next week elsewhere and have to get thinking about this and pass it onwards – love answering questions as it is like journal prompts lol.
good luck with flossie 2.0
i like flossie mag but can understand why people don’t want to pay in a sea of freebies – the way to go seems to be build up free mag and then bring in advertising and features to pay the owner…might be something to consider xxx deb
Hi Amanda, popping by via weekend rewind. Love your point about seeing the story in everything, it’s very much how I feel about the positives of blogging for me also. It took me longer to put my thoughts down about the whys of why I write too, it took a lot of thought to decide on my reasons!! x
So it’s not just me who blogs at the kitchen bench! If I use the laptop anywhere else the kids climb on top of me:)
My problem exactly! The laptop is only safe on the bench! 🙂
I am supposed to be writing mine as I type this but man it is not easy is it. Love getting inside your head a little bit chick 😉 xx
I was WAY tougher than I thought it would be Sonia. Good luck – can’t wait to read it. x
PS. I’d exit my head ASAP. It’s a weird and dangerous place! 🙂
Yes, I like – LOVE – to write! My high school teachers might be surprised to hear it’s taken me so long to work on my first book… which I’m doing finally doing now! Last year I said it’s now or never and committed to finishing a manuscript. Am about 60,000 words in now – depending on whether I’ve just been writing or editing!
I like this meme (I just got tagged so I better get writing!). I think your annual edition of Dlossie will be grand. x
* Flossie. Obviously!
How exciting re: Flossie! I love these posts – a great way to know some of the deeper stuff.