Yesterday driving home from a flying trip to Brisbane, Cootamundra Wattle started playing on my phone. (I’ll let that settle for a bit and give the non-country music fans among you time to click away). One stanza stuck with me. It summed up exactly how I’ve been feeling this past week: my anger at the injustice of the world, my sadness at the violence being perpetrated by humans on other humans. My frustration at bureaucracy. Overwhelmed. I’ve done a bit of crying this past week and I know I’m not alone.
Stupid super moon sent the whole world crazy.
So when the Big Sister got home from school, we went outside. We watched Daddy working in the back paddock and discovered the girls new best favourite play thing; a big eucalypt that had come down. Soaked with the weekend rain, the unrelenting wind proved too much for it. They made club houses and pretended to be strong men and I took more photos of them than I did of the turf (which is what I was supposed to be doing) and we waved to Daddy and he waved back.
And this morning I woke up and I felt better. That John Williamson might just be onto something. While I’m not about to abandon reading the news, I’m going to be mindful of how much of a soaking I give myself because there’s no stopping the wind in August.
Beautifully written post, Amanda, just beautiful. And look at that gorgeous red hair – so jealous….. Happy Wednesday! xo
Thanks Jay. It’s gorgeous isn’t it (and yes it comes with the associated temperament!)!
Best thing ever to just let kids be kids outside, I would not have been able to help myself and would have made my girl change out of her school uniform!!! I’m a bit lazy like that, means less washing! x
We only have three – they get washed on high rotation Em!
Gorgeous post lovely. This that moon has put a spell on a lot of us. I’ve also been feeling a bit wobbly of late and the news does not help ones sense of helplessness. I think I need to visit your farm, it look wonderful. Reminds of my own childhood holidays playing on my grandparents farm. Glad you’re feeling better xx
Say the word and I’ll start making the spare bed MrsD! xx
The world certainly is in a state, isn’t it? I try not to watch the news, but still manage to hear most things anyway – you can’t escape it sometimes. The weather here is sunny by day and chilly by night! August wind brings change, I reckon.