I was standing at the deli case at Woolworths when I learned that I’d made Kidspot’s Voices of 2013 top 100 bloggers list. I can’t remember for sure, but I suspect I made an involuntary squeaking noise when I read the email. I’m pretty sure I kept most of the cereal aisle amused with my end of the animated conversation I had with Bearhands. I know for a fact, I was so distracted by the news that I bought top loader washing powder for my front loading machine. But that’s nothing compared to what happened next. Standing between deodorant and toothpaste, I fired off an email to the Editor of Kidspot:
“I’m flawed to have made the list and am thrilled to accept my position – thank you.”
Yep. Flawed. Not floored mind you. I’m flawed – totally unnecessary to have bought this to Samantha’s attention; my spelling did it for me.
I was pretty embarrassed when I discovered what I’d done. Way more embarrassed than I was in 1995 upon realising I’d mis-buttoned my dress, half way through a soliloquy about the birds and the bees at a speaking competition. Still this is way less embarrassing than the day my Mother extended an arm and smiled “You must be Richard” at a bloke called Graeme who’d just dropped me home in the early noughties.
So, I’m off to a good start in the competition. My three favourite posts are over on my profile page on the Village Voices site. Please head over and check them out, then pop back here are reassure me that you’ve done something equally embarrassing. Deal?
what do you think about the three posts I chose?
do you have a favourite that didn’t make the list?
is your spelling flawed?
How awesome are you??? Not for being as dorky as me, for your grand achievement. Totally thrilled for you.
Thanks Mrs H. Having seen the calibre of the other 24 food and lifestyle bloggers, I suspect this is the end for me, but I’m super chuffed to even be on the same page as them! 🙂
Oh Amanda. Congratulations! There could be no better or nicer nominee than yourself, with all your flaws! LOL Anne xx
Thanks Anne. Thanks also for your regular thoughtful comments – I would have become disheartened if it weren’t for people like you. x
Congrats! So deserved! 🙂
Congrats to you too lovely! xx
Congrats to BOTH OF YOU who validate my decision not to cook that night, for I have already eaten with my eyes. You clever clogs’ you. (Plural of clogs? Clogses?) You are both cloggily clever. YAY!
Can you imagine both of us in the same room? Is the world ready for that much clogging? I’m so excited at the chance to meet some of my favourite bloggers in real life!
What you might have in minor flaws, you make up for in sharing bravery! I on the other hand just picked up posters from the printers for a conference this week – and not game to unroll them for myself, lest I see typos I didn’t catch earlier. Kind of a schrodinger’s cat approach…
The typos both exist and don’t exist? Quantum physics takes more concentration than I can spare now. I’m more of a if a bear sh!ts in the woods kinda gal these days! xx
Sowell deserved sweetie , well done !!
Thanks Sabeen. x
Go you! Massive congrats, and well deserved. Floors and all!
Congrats Amanda, another notch in the stove top. Suggest your mum quite deliberately called Graeme, “Richard”. You are quite lucky she wasn’t in a particularly mischievous mood and called him”dick”.
Mrs Hagan!! You just made me spit my wine across the room. Too naughty!
Congratulations in making the list, awesome achievement! I would take up all the space in your comments section if I got started, there are just so many!
Best we not get started then Kylez – let embarrassing bygones be bygones! 🙂
I think they rock. I remember reading about yr tomato paste and was amazed somebody cld do it, and the first post is really beautiful and moving. Good luck. I’m really happy for you
Thanks Bachelormum xx
That’s a bit funny!
Congrats on making it so far.
You could choose any of your posts, by the way X
Thanks Robo x
Congrats on your award. Reading you mention Woolworths took me back. They are gone here in the USA but I have fond memories of shopping there as a kid. Found your through Essentially Jess and I’m a new follower. http://georgielee.blogspot.com
Thanks for popping in Georgie – IBOT is a great link up.
I saw your name on the list and thought “of course!!” Very well deserved. Congrats!!
Thanks Sophie – when I saw my name I had to double check they’d sent the email to the right person! 🙂
I’m just glad you realised your mistake and knew it should have been floored instead of flawed. And to be honest, it didn’t even click with me until you pointed it out, and I’m one of THOSE spelling grammar nazis usually! I wouldn’t worry about it – you’d already made the list! ha ha huge congratulations!! -aroha (#teamIBOT)
Me too Aroha – being a spelling nazi backfires when you’re flawed! 🙂
So fantastic and so well deserved. I was happy to see a familiar face in the list. 🙂
Thanks Zanni. I’m thrilled!
Yay to you! And I DIE every time I see a typo in my blog post (I’m supposed to be AN ENGLISH TEACHER). Flawed indeed 🙂
Live by the sword, die by the sword Enid. I’m a spelling nazi and it’s bitten me on the bottom this time! 🙂
So exciting and well deserved!!!
Love the typo I’m sure it made someone giggle! x Karen
Thanks Karen – hope to see you in Sydney. x
Congrats! An awesome achievement. I’m a regular reader, not so regular commenter. Must remedy that! lol x
Thanks Jodi – feel free to delurk at any time! x
A total McLEGEND Amanda and that flawed comment is just priceless and so something I would do! You deserve all the accolades and more, you write so well and top it all off by being shit hot in the kitchen – a cooker and a looker for shiz! Em x
Em you’re making me blush. I don’t think I’ve even been called a McLEGEND or anything shiz related. Thank you, you’re a sweetheart. x
Congratulations. What a thrill.
I still think that my phone changes my spelling just as I am sending. I could swear I edit it, but it does whatever it cares to. That’s my excuse, want to use it?
Becc @ Take Charge Now
If only it was just misspelt Becc – I’d blame autocorrect in a heartbeat!
A huge congratulations – so many incredible adventures await you!!
Pride cometh before a fall or a flaw LOL … congratulations on your nomination, must be hugelye xciting!
Congrats!! Congrats!!! So awesome!! and ahh…. who cares about that little flawed experience. Now a good story xx
That is SO awesome and so exciting!!! Well done you (Oh and my spelling is a disaster) xx
Great news, well done you! Not to worry, we’re all flawed in our own perfect ways!!
I saw you on there and gave you a little clap – very well deserved! And even moreso because you’re flawed hahahaha. Too funny. Congratulations xx
Hahaha love it! I think your excitement came through and your “flaws” will be totally overlooked.
Well Done! Yours is one of the few blogs I regularly read in that category and after checking out some of your competition I think you can more than hold your own! Good Luck – I’ll be rooting for you 🙂
That’s very kind Rachel. When I saw the company I’m keeping, I thought “end of the road!’
SO COOL!!! congrats mate. I haven’t even seen the list yet will go over and have a look now. good luck ill cheer you one.
Thanks Salz. x
Ha ha! That’s a crack up!!
Congratulations Amanda. It really is such an honour
Thanks Jess. x
A huge congrats hun – very well deserved xx
Thousands of Congratulations Amanda! Very well deserved! I was very happy for you when I saw the list!