It took a global pandemic but here I am back at the keyboard, blogging about little things, funny stuff and farm life in the hope that others might enjoy a little break from the sobering realities of current events.

The farm house became home to an eclectic school on fish on Monday afternoon. The tank that had laid empty since Emma‘s move to the dam was scrubbed clean and filled over the weekend in anticipation.
We visited an aquarium supply shop, altogether too sophisticated for our simple needs, but were greeted warmly by a bloke who really knew his fish. He walked along the long rows of tanks giving great advice about our pescatory choices…..
This one is a lover. No not that one, it’s a fighter. These ones are good parents. That one is a beast!
The girls eventually decided on two cichlids, two sword tails, four guppies and a rather lonely looking angel fish
One of the four guppies shuffled off his mortal coil on Wednesday, but that aside, all things were going well.
But, dear reader, if farm life has taught me nothing, it’s to expect the unexpected…..
We arrived home from music lessons about 5pm. Our afternoons are unusually unscheduled at the moment, but gratefully guitar lessons continue. I was lugging the instruments and music through the door when the Little Sister started calling me.
Mum! Mum! Come quickly! Mum, come now!
Now friends, if I’m honest, current world events have put me in a bit of a calamitous state of mind. So when I heard her high pitched calls, I immediately anticipated an aquarium apocalypse….
….instead, I learned that we are the proud grandparents of five baby fish.
A quick google confirmed that the previously rotund female swordtail is likely responsible.
Suspect there’s some serious MAFS-style discussions being had amongst the members of our three-day-old arranged swordtail marriage!

If you liked this little yarn, you might also enjoy my cookbook – lots of people do. I’ll even brave a visit to the post office to send it to you, A x
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