Dear Readers,
Can you believe I’m about to write a sponsored post for Target Australia about fashion? Neither can I. Stifle your giggles and let’s get on with it shall we? Speaking of disbelief, last week had its share of incredulous moments.
On Monday I was invited to be on the radio again – this time live from the Ekka! When I told Mum, the first thing she said was “You know they’ll be able to see you right?” I hung up and made a hair appointment.
I spent Tuesday getting ‘waisted’ at Target in search of a radio-ready outfit. I tried all manner of Gok endorsed styles and finally settled for black and white blouse from Look 5 and new jeans. (Buying new jeans is a far superior option to facing the cruel reality that my current jeans restrict blood flow to some of my favourite internal organs.)
I learned several things during the process:
- I cannot hold my breath as long as I thought I could.
- I suck at change room selfies. (I must ask teenage friends for tips.)
- Would you believe Gok thinks I’m gorgeous? I think he’s lovely too, but I do think he should dial down the number of small dog pictures he posts on instagram.
On Wednesday I learned that my pickles won first prize at the Ekka. Mum admitted to being super jealous because her cake didn’t place. This pleased me greatly.
The traveling irrigator broke on Sunday – the morning of my interview. Our late departure necessitated a very rushed trip to the Ekka. My plans of thrilling the Little Sister with the barnyard nursery were thwarted by her reluctance to engage with anything on four legs and there was no time to convince her otherwise. I did my interview with Fresh on Sundays, while the Big Sister danced outside the booth. Despite their best efforts, neither Mum nor Dean managed to get a clear shot of me with Michelle and Dominque. The Little Sister slept through the entire thing. I’m giving serious though to auditioning a new support crew.
We visited the Fine Arts pavilion to check out my prize-winning pickles and Mum’s fruitcake. My pickles were wearing pretty blue bonnets. Mum’s cake was tucked right up the back of the display case. She’s still jealous and this continues to bring me great joy.
There’s not a huge monetary component to a first prize win in the Novice pickle category at the Ekka. That said, winning a blue ribbon is priceless; especially when it comes with the added bonus of sticking it to my Mother*.
To celebrate my Ekka win I’m giving away another $50 Target voucher. To be in the running to win leave a comment below and tell me about a win of your own. It needn’t be a Mater Prize home or scoring $250,000 on a scratchie – I’m looking for one of those sweet little victories. So tell me…
what’s the best thing you ever won?
Congratulations to Wendy, her year’s supply of green tomato sauce is the win that keeps on winning!
*Mum’s really actually happy for me. Deep deep, deep deep down.
The best thing I’ve ever won . . . It could be beautiful hand sewn quilt squares, an Australia Day Award, of my dance school perpetual trophy . . . but in reality it’s the Meat Tray from Dayboro Butcher in a Friday Raffle at work 🙂
Hi Sweet. I don’t want to enter the competition. I just want to congratulate you on your wins – Ekka and Target sponsorship. You’re amazing! xox
Thank you Jay. You’re a sweetheart. x
So proud if you. This little girl I knew is going places. congratulations.
Congrats on your win, I won a kids table and chairs to review. It has been the most used item in our house. Our daughter crafts on it, has tea parties there and eats at it. We love it, its bright, good quality and fun
I won a Lipton tea-towel one time. No one understood why I was SO excited and happy about it. Yes, I know, it’s just a tea-towel , but I needed a pick-me-up at that time. Symbolism at it’s best.
How fabulous!!!! I’m loving all the black and white in the shops at the moment!
It’s great isn’t it, Alex? If only I could keep my whites away from little hands. 🙂
Um, you look amazing in your Gok-ed up outfit! And congrats on the Ekka interview AND prize winning pickles. That’s seriously awesome!!
The best thing I ever won was a frozen chook when I was 8. Not even kidding. I can remember it like it happened yesterday. We were at a local fete and I spent 20 cents of my pocket money to buy a numbered paddle and what do you know…the old bloke spun the chocolate wheel and my number came up (number 15, which of course is my lucky number) I was beside myself with excitement at winning something, while my dad was all “great, now we have to lug a frozen chook around all bloody day.” Good times!
Tell your mum I lied her cake better.
Lol – I will Lydia. She’s probably lurking here now, but won’t comment! 🙂
not a good look when you’re trying to be funny and you make a typo. LIKED her cake better – what a moron!
Seriously tho – look at you! Go girl!
Win of my own. I’m at a blank. hmmm. Getting a $370 return airfare to the Singapore GP, for my first GP in 10 years is a BIG win for me.
Woman, you are living up to your name in this post! Phwooaar!
And Novice Preserves, get in mah belleh!
Congrats! 😉
Great post! I totally have a thing for Gok! I am pretty sure he does not feel the same 🙁 I won a dog money box at a Trivia night at the Marrickville bowls club the last Saturday night. I thought it was highly appropriate given I call myself Money Mummy 🙂
Looking good, lovely! Not here to enterfor the voucher just wanting to say congrats on the win! Yay you 🙂
What a great week and congrats on the win! Love the selfies. They really are an art. I haven’t perfected it either. I love the pic of you on air. Great job mum and dean 😉
The next time I’m late for something I’m going to say the travelling irrigator broke.
Well done with the pickles. (Not entering the comp- you are the winner this week in our eyes.)
Congratulations on your win, and your Target gig!
Not so much a sweet prize, but hilarious. When I was 12 Mum and I bought tickets in a raffle at my stepdad’s work function. We both won a prize – she won a pretty doll, and I won a bottle of rum. Needless to say we swapped prizes 😉
The best thing I’ve ever won would have to be a years supply of green tomato sauce, the kids still ask years later why we can’t get more green sauce!
Congratulations on your win. The best thing I ever won was tickets to the Olympic swimming trials back in 2000 (very exciting for a 12 year old) and also Ian Thorpe’s swimming cap
Visiting from FYBF and Sweet Little Pretties
Congratulations on the pickles! My blog was a finalist in the recent Bupa Blog Awards and although I didn’t win being one of 5 in my category amongst 600 blogs made me feel like a winner! 🙂 x ps Great Target outfit by the way
Amanda, only on your blog can we read about the travelling irrigator and Gok in the same post!!
Massive congratulations on the Target news and your pickles, inspiring girl! Homemade pickles have been my favourite since I was little, best on toast for breakfast 🙂
Well done, gorgeous x
You truly rocked that outfit Amanda – looks gorgeous! WooHoo on your pickle win – I’d be super chuffed if that happened to me!
I won a Wham album back in 1980-something through Smash Hits Magazine I was very excited about at the time, (oh God I’m feeling old now!!). 🙂
More recently I won a Woolies gift card after entering a muffin recipe into a comp for Papaya Australia running via Domesblissity. This was very exciting for me!!
A talent quest with my sisters, some 30 years ago- singing Give Me a Home Among the Gumtrees. I was the youngest of 4 and I can remember my oldest sisters being so embarrassed to have to perform with us! The year after we were smurfs, complete with smurf costumes!
Whatta week for you! Congrats on the Ekka win! That blouse looks fabulous on you! I won a song competition back in high school. We won $500 and had to split it 4 ways. It’s quite embarrassing, actually. That’s all I’m going to say 🙂
Last year I won leapfrog factory phonics – my prep going son was so happy that through play he learnt all the letter sounds which helped me a lot with his reading. This is my most cherished win till date as my son learnt so much through them.
I have subscribed to the newsletter..
I once won a cross country race (Year 7). Definitely couldn’t do that again!
Well done! I love a health mother-daughter rivalry! Also your outfit was a winner, you look great, good choices. xx
Congratulations on winning your Pickles entry 🙂
And you look smoking in your target clothes!
Over the years we have won a fair share of items. The best ever was a huge Rocking Horse that all five of our boys got a LOT of joy from, every single one of them rode it until it couldn’t be ridden anymore. Would love to know what stories they came up with rocking away
The best thing I have ever won was tickets to see Elton John at Werribee Mansion, including transfers, and an overnight stay at a luxurious apartment. My elderly father is a huge fan of Elton’s, and had never been to a concert in his life. I went along with my dad (they actually upgraded our apartment to a 3 bedroom one as I had a a 3 yr-old and a 3 month old at the time, and my mum was able to come along with us and babysit!!) Just seeing the joy on my dad’s face as he sung along and danced in his seat was a priceless moment that I won’t ever forget. He told me that apart from marrying mum, it was one of the best nights of his life.
When I was 15, I won a trip for the whole family to go to Cairns. The timing was amazing for my family, my sister was off to university the next year, my mum was in remission from breast cancer, we all just needed this time together. An amazing holiday with wonderful memories – we all felt extremely blessed.
The best prize I’ve ever won is a business class trip to Paris and Italy!,having never been on a plane before you can imagine my excitement,although there was a few ups and downs -we originally were supposed to go in 2010 due to volcano ash it was cancelled but luckily Emirates let us rebook for the following year
It was amazing experience that I’ll never forget!
The best prize isn’t always the biggest,
And yes- I’ve won a few,
A fridge, clothes, a chocolate hamper,
Theatre tickets too,
No- the best prize is the one most loved,
The one that is special to someone,
And to me that is a monkey,
That I gave to my little son,
You see Connor has an imagination,
He knows monsters are really real,
And yes to many other people,
That is no big deal,
But he used to cry and shout,
And wake up every night,
But he also knows monkeys scare monsters away,
And now he hugs his monkey tight,
Finally peace is restored,
Our home is quiet and calm,
And it’s all thanks to a monkey,
The best prize I have ever won 🙂
The best thing I have ever won, is the look my daughter gave me when I first held her in my arms.
I’d be pickled pink if I’d won a blue ribbon – WHOOP WHOOP!
Great selfies really hun, and YAY for being a radio superstar.
The best thing I have won is two tickets to Dreamworld, but I only won them because I took raffle tickets, to support our local community, something few people do these days so it’s no wonder I won, I took 10 tickets 🙂 x
Lol. I’m a raffle ticket tragic too Em. Mind you, I’d rather buy them than sell them!
I won a grocery grab at woolie about 15 years ago, I gave it to my mother in law. She had a great time going around getting whatever she wanted, I think she had three minutes.
I won a radio in a Twisties competition when I was little. It was yellow with Twisties written on it in red and I was just so proud of it!
I won a mattress, which was great because our old mattress was saggy and very old. But the trouble was I was washing the mattress protector and our baby slept in the bed with us the night it was in the wash and yep, you guessed it, that was the night our baby decided to get gastro and vomited all over the bed!
I won a saucepan a couple of months ago, which was great timing as my other one was scratched to bits!
A German Shepherd puppy in a raffle at my Primary schools fete when I was little. We grew up together, being the best of friends.
A gorgeous bra and knickers set, not something I’d have spent $250 on myself, but they were so nice. And the best part of the win, they fit perfectly!! It was sort of like a gift that kept on giving, every time hubby saw me in it . . . . . . you get my drift 😉
Hello, congrats on your exciting win 🙂
My best win was a trip to Mildura. Through Cobram Estate oil, they paid for absolutely everything. A degustation, dinner for two nights, hampers, a the best was we were one of the first to allowed to tour the estate, where they make the oil. We even went into a chemical room and shown how they prepare the oil.
My downfall was leaning on that cupboard, which I was to find out out the airport when I double alarmed and had to be stripped search!!!!! shoes and other personal bits were searched , stripped and touched. Now I can laugh about it but at the time it wasnt a very good win 😛
The best thing I’ve ever won was probably just all the prizes since becoming a daily comper on Facebook this year.. The best prizes have included a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label, a Bottle of Vodka, a case of win and lots of Cider.. but better than that has been the $200 clothing voucher I won through Who Magazine.. as a Mum of 3 kids, I’d never spend money on myself unless I absolutely had to, so winning online vouchers for clothes, and another $150 Shoes Voucher to spend at Mollini’s shoes in Melbourne made me feel very special.. something just for me.. I am still hoping to WIN a family holiday or a trip to Italy.. one day.. one has to have a dream.
the best thing ive ever won would have to be a night out to the movies with my hubby as we dont get to go out at night much as thats when he works. we went out for a nice dinner then headed to the cinema. was a great night
The best thing I’ve ever won is my husband’s heart 🙂 Followed closely by the time I won a $1000 and a big box full of toys just before Christmas 2011, awesome timing!
I won some snake vitamins! No idea where and why I entered this. I don’t even have any snakes. I hate them!
I won a cleaner for 70 hours-absolutely priceless!!!
Last year I won an “elf” to come and organise the home office I share with my husband – it was wonderful, all the clutter went and one year on it’s still amazingly clear and makes sitting at the computer so much better I don’t feel hemmed in or weighed down. I’d recommend everyone to regularly declutter and free up your life.
Best win was flowers for a year, I loved hearing that knock on the door that was the florist delivering yet another gorgeous display of loveliness that I got to admire for days on end 🙂
Best win was a years supply of babywipes! Made me laugh and came in so handy as wipes these days are not cheap!
Huge congratulations for everything you are certainly on a roll and I wish you all the best
I recently was chosen to review a full set of Spielgarben education ‘toys’ and I was absolutely blown away
When I was a kid (about 7 years old) our family went to a cent auction Easter fundraiser. I won a small basket of Easter eggs which also included one in the shape of a Hen. I remember it like it was yesterday it really was such a big treat – I had never had so much chocolate for Easter in my life! For creating such lovely memories I think it was the best thing I ever won!
I once ‘won’ $1million in an online lottery! How excited was I?! Although unfortunately I never heard anymore after that first email…
First congrats on your win. I once won runner up in the chocolate cake section of the school fete. That was 2 years ago and I am eyeing off first place this time.
Ps I follow on fb
Last year I won a years supply of toilet paper.The amount my kids use is ridiculous.
Boring I know, but it saved me carrying it home from the supermarket every week! I was so upset when it ran out!
A few months ago I won an electric breast pump its been the best thing ever If I didn’t win it I think I probably would of given up breast feeding my 5 1/2 month old baby girl, I’ve always had trouble feeding as I need to use a shield so now having the electric breast pump means I can express before going out and don’t need to tackle the shield while out with my precious baby girl 🙂
saekae at bigpond dot net dot au
Congratulations to you 🙂
I have won a few things from a tv to vouchers but the best thing Would have to be lovely photography session, which I gave to a special friend.
She greatly appreciated it which is what made it the best win ever.
I didn’t win but I came second in my dirst ever 5km fun run! The other participants must have been beginners too. I ran my little heart out. Ended up with a terrible tummy ache because I over exerted myself but I am so proud of that medal! Congrats on your pickles!
I won $50 from the pokies.
And I haven’t won since
Won an 8 week Jenny Craig membership once. Banishing ice-cream was no fun, but it was just the impetus I needed at that time to get started on that 15kg spare tyre…
Congrats!!! 😀 Biggest win was a trip to Melbourne, but the BEST bit was getting to spend it with my bestfriend & my mama who came along with us!
The best thing I ever won was when I was in grade five. It was a tye dyed (i know!) blue beautiful tshirt from Girlfriend magazine. The first thing I have ever won. My mum brought the package to school and I tore it open with some excitement. I kept that shirt until I started university. It was the greatest present (well prize!) but it was a present to me. I remember it was worth $60 and i just loved it.
I had won a ”Win the Day in the Life of a Model” Nude by Nature competition! I was beyond words, feeling immensely lucky! The day of pampering was incredible and a experience I will never forget!
Congrats on your Ekka prize! 😀
Although I’ve won quite a few great prizes, I have to say my most treasured “win” is a small children’s picture book I won from our little local library when I was four. I won first prize in their colouring in competition and I still remember the feeling of complete and utter pride, excitement and happiness picking up my prize from the desk! Although the prizes or little wins may change, that feeling is always the same 🙂