And just like that, somehow its May. The fifth month of this year already. The month I’ll get to meet my new niece/nephew, Ant & Flic’s baby.
Making: the most out of our girls being little.
Cooking: blender banana bread because brown bananas. again.
Drinking: tea.
Reading: Primary School Confidential. I can’t tell you how cool I feel reading a book written by friends!
Wanting: the pep of the Energiser Bunny (without the battery enema).
Looking: for an egg/pod chair to read in.
Playing: endless games of Family Feud with the Big Sister.
Wishing: I had enough energy to do all the things I want to do.
Enjoying: nights in our newly acquired 1972 Viscount caravan.
Deciding: on what to name the van.
Waiting: to share more exciting news about the cookbook.
Liking: that the dams filled last night. We now have enough water to plant to replant some paddocks.
Wondering: what the week will bring.
Loving: the Invictus Games shenanigans between the Obamas, Prince Harry and Justin Trudeau.
Pondering: if 11am is too early for lunch.
Watching: an excavator clean up after last night’s ferocious storm.
Hoping: the bill isn’t astronomical.
Marvelling: that the storm shook the pictures from ours walls
Needing: an afternoon nap.
Smelling: freshly mopped floors.
Wearing: mum shorts.
Following: Mum and Dad’s Scotland adventure on WhatsApp.
Knowing: David would be loving that Mum can WhatsApp.
Noticing: there are never enough hours in the day.
Thinking: about the wonderfully horrible gifts the Little Sister is likely to choose at the kindy Mother’s Day stall.
Admiring: Justin Trudeau.
Considering: moving to Canada (soley for proximity to Mr Trudeau).
Sorting: through the girls’ baby stuff for my new niece/nephew.
Buying: things on the internet to save braving the shops.
Getting: another load of washing done while the sun is out.
Bookmarking: an online course I’ve started by Monash University about Food as Medicine.
Disliking: Spearmint and alfalfa tea – it came in a lovely Christmas hamper and unlike the rest of the lovely contents, it tastes ghastly.
Opening: other tea.
Giggling: at the Met Gala outfits. I feel like the kid in the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’; the world is gasping at their beautiful frocks and I think they look like they’re all off to fancy dress party dressed as the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz.
Feeling: excited about meeting my new niece/nephew this month.
Snacking: too often (hence mum shorts).
Coveting: a personal masseuse.
Helping: a friend thrash out ideas for an exciting new business idea.
Hearing: frogs calling from the creek. The rain has brought the dam AND their ardour up.
how is May shaping up for you?
The Taking Stock list is the brainchild of Pip Lincolne.
Yay you’re blogging – love this list, it gives me such a good nose at what people are up to! That storm sounds day. Mum and dad only had 17ml in the past week, it’s so DRY there. I hear you about mum shorts 🙁 xxx
Beautifully written A, I also love your list, so many fun things on it. 🙂
Yep – the dress that literally lit up (was it Claire Danes) said to me that haute coutre has officially jumped the shark.
Meanwhile I want to live in republic of Justinia.