taking stock is one of the many brainchildren of Pip Lincolne from Meet Me at Mikes.
Making: plans for Mothers Day.
Cooking: sensible meals to make up for the holiday excess.
Drinking: tea.
Reading: emails.
Wanting: new kitchen knives.
Looking: at photos from my week at Fraser Island with the girls.
Marvelling: that I did all that four-wheel-driving and didn’t get bogged once!
Playing: with photos of food.
Deciding: what ugly food recipe to tackle next.
Wishing: someone would invent a folding machine to complement my washer and dryer.
Snacking: on ANZAC biscuits I made with rice malt syrup because I was out of golden syrup and had already promised the Little Sister we’d bake.
Waiting: for the Department of Domestic Affairs to arrive on my doorstep and cart me away for atrocities against ANZAC biscuits.
Liking: cooler nights.
Wondering: what the rest of the year holds for us.
Loving: our crazy unpredictable life and the opportunities it affords us.
Pondering: my neglected to-do list.
Considering: myself very lucky.
Watching: the girls grow taller before my eyes.
Needing: to find a packet of motivation.
Smelling: the new veggie patch outside my office window.
Wearing: a work shirt and a pair of denim shorts that should have been retired months ago.
Following: Cook and Kid. I’ve only just come across this blog, the writer is a trained chef and single dad teaching his daughter to appreciate food. Loving his recipes, especially the suggestions about which steps kids can help with.
Noticing: that the bag we took to Brisbane on Saturday night hasn’t unpacked itself.
Knowing: that it probably wont.
Thinking: about loads of things, but not writing any of them down.
Admiring: patient parents and families that are always at school on time.
Sorting: tiny knickers. So many tiny knickers!
Buying: more guinea fowl keets.
Hoping: the neighbours’ dogs don’t eat them.
Getting: further behind in an online course I’m doing (or more correctly not doing).
Bookmarking: new jokes to tell the Big Sister.
Disliking: how slow the internet has become on the farm.
Opening: the fridge to see if any thing new appeared since the last time I looked.
Giggling: at a joke the Little Sister told in the car driving home from Fraser “Why did the monkey drink his own wee? Because he had one leg.”
Feeling: like I’ve fallen behind on everything.
Coveting: new saucepans.
Hearing: birds and the blokes working in the paddock.
what’s up at your place?
how are you feeling? what are you coveting?
love this!!! I’ll have to do one too 🙂
Oh bless aren’t we knickers the cutest. I too have fallen behind in so much. So happy that you have a crazy/busy life. All the best getting routines back in order. P.S I’m still not getting each of your posts delivered to my email inbox like I used to – BOO. xxx