Yesterday our town had the dubious honour of being the hottest place in Queensland. While we sweltered, I tried my hand at Pip Lincolne’s taking stock list.
Making: an infinity scarf for the Big Sister’s prep teacher.
Cooking: an egg on the road. Not really, but trying.
Drinking: cold beer.
Reading: the Foxtel bill and cutting our spend (and channels) by two thirds.
Wanting: soaking rain for our farm.
Looking: for a copy of the Magic Faraway Tree to read to my girls.
Playing: around with nature by sneaking guinea fowl eggs underneath out broody hen.
Deciding: whether buying a pair of tap shoes for the Big Sister for Christmas is self flagellation in dance form.
Wishing: I could have my front tooth for Christmas.
Enjoying: watching the Big Sister discover the joy of reading.
Waiting: until the last moment to decorate our house for Christmas.
Liking: Pope Francis and his approach to gays, evolution, homeless people and his appointment of Fr Mark Edwards as Auxiliary Bishop for Melbourne.
Wondering: if anyone else finds a peloton of police on pushbikes hard to take seriously. “You’re under arrest. Get in my basket.”
Loving: white anchovies from the pasta shop in Beerwah.
Pondering: turning the sprinklers on for the kids to run under again.
Considering: doing something crazy with my hair.
Watching: Homeland in batches while I fold the laundry. It’s the only show I’ve ever really become hooked on.
Hoping: that David is safe and happy wherever he is.
Marvelling: that humans landed a space probe on a comet hurtling through space at 140,000 kilometres per hour
Needing: video submissions for my “bloggers read mean comments” project.
Smelling: less than fresh on this 43ºC day. Seriously, it’s not even summer yet!
Wearing: my stupid, no-good, uncomfortable denture.
Following: the G20 shenanigans.
Noticing: that Miss Chardy is hiring a camp cook and a bore-runner and imagining what an adventure that would be.
Knowing: that I will look back on these days and wish I’d paid better attention.
Thinking: that I have it pretty good.
Admiring: Dr Catherine Hamlin. Always admiring Catherine Hamlin.
Sorting: clothes the girls have grown out of. All the time.
Buying: this gorgeous crochet fox from Daisy, Roo & Two for the Little Sister for Christmas.
Getting: busy compiling the first annual Flossie cook book and hoping you’ll love it
Bookmarking: the books We’re Going on a Bar Hunt and The Very Hungover Caterpillar for gifts at every baby shower I’m invited to from now on.
Disliking: that Australian’s seem to care more about bloke’s sporting prowess than whether they’re good people. Seems you can drink your own urine, have a dog lick your privates and flog your missus as long as you can throw a ball well or out run the rest of us.
Opening: another beer.
Giggling: overhearing the Big Sister telling someone she had a gap year between Kindy and Prep. Explaining to her that the break was the school holidays.
Feeling: overwhelmed at our jam-packed end of year calendar.
Snacking: on just about anything I can get my hands on.
Coveting: fancy hats that I’ll never wear on Pinterest.
Helping: in the Big Sister’s prep class every Wednesday afternoon. Hats off to teachers; its the hardest forty minutes of my week.
Hearing: my family complain about losing their favourite Foxtel channels.
How funny, I’m just about to press publish on my own taking stock post – great minds!! My Miss H has a pair of barely worn tap shoes (size 12) and I’m happy to hand them over if your big sister could make better use of them??? And Big W has the faraway tree (if that helps). Hope it’s a cooler day for you today and those dentures get slightly less annoying xx
That’s so funny! Thanks for the offer of the shoes, but the Big Sister’s foot is already a thirteen. Will venture to Big W thanks for the tip! x
I love this taking stock posts – they gave such a nice little insight into someone’s life at a particular moment. Mrs D Plus 3 – was also looking for that book so thank you!
I heard they’re making the Faraway tree into a movie Robyna. I’m hoping that the Big Sister will have read it (with me) before it comes out.
I love these taking stock posts – I think I’m due for another one soon! Totes excited about the Flossie book – will it be an e-version or the real deal? I am sure it will be jam packed with deliciousness! I loved the egg picture but was a bit disappointed the egg didn’t cook. How hot does it have to be for heaven’s sake? Very impressed with your slashing of ye olde Foxtel. So many channels and they’re all full of crap but alas, my husband can’t live without premiership football. Ces’t la (T) vie!
Flossie will be a downloadable PDF Sammie (and totally free!) I was disappointed the egg didn’t cook too, it certainly seemed hot enough!
Hello there – aren’t you sweet – reading through your little list and then noticed you gave me (and my position vacant ad) a plug – thank you!!! Love that you kept cracking the beers – lord knows you would have needed it – was probably hotter down there than up here, although it has been pretty bloody hot up here. I hope you found the Faraway Tree – they are my all time favourite books, I am going to down load some of the audio books for when we go on holidays in January.
Love these, I get to have a really good nose into what you’re doing and thinking and right now it’s a lot of random, interesting things. We cut Foxtel 2 years ago and don’t miss it – well except when the All Blacks play! x
The magic faraway tree is also an audio book – really great to listen to Kate Winslet! Loving – your very clever use of -ing words! Trying – to stop procrastinating, Feeling- also overwhelmed with what needs to be done, planning – to take a blogging break over Christmas!
So funny that I stumbled across your taking stock post today as I just finished writing my own for tomorrow! My daughter loves The Magic Faraway Tree and I fondly remember it is a kid too. And I only just watched an episode of Homeland last night – great show.