I can wrap up my week's accomplishments in numbers: 7: hours spent last Wednesday in a round-trip to Ikea 45: dollars spent on meatballs, cheese and reindeer-shaped pasta 2: constructions with ...
winter warmers
grouts, Hippocrates, curative chicken soup + the good stuff
It takes a lot to get me to the GP, but when my seal-like cough lured a pod of Orcas so close, that they beached themselves in the Sandy Straits, I found the required motivation. When I fronted to ...
pumpkin barley risotto + a little help from the little sister
It was so wet this weekend that Bearhands bucked the status quo and didn't disappear into the paddock or the shed. I spent some time experimenting in the kitchen while he watched documentaries about ...
spicy soup + loaded lyrics
You can’t help but be influenced by your parents taste in music. I sing along whenever Anne Murray tells sleepy Jean to cheer up, and there’s no stopping me if Billy Joel gets in a New York state of ...
Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen’s Cream of Cauliflower Soup
Our Uncle Graham writes a beautiful grace. He’s so good at it he regularly gets the gig at family nuptials. He said grace at our wedding. It was thoughtful and considered as always. Years later I ...
repeaters, grapevines and quinoa stuffing for roast chicken
This morning my trainer (yes, I hear how entitled that sounds) suggested I take some more group fitness classes. You know the kind where shiny women with perky boobies move in neon clad unison to ...