I remember how terrified and uncertain I felt in the first days after I was diagnosed with MS. This is what I wish I could tell every newly diagnosed MS patient.... Being diagnosed with MS is a ...
Multiple Sclerosis
you can’t sugar coat MS, an update
Last Tuesday I found myself sitting my neurologist's waiting room alone. In my horrible gastro haze I'd muddled my appointment time and arrived thirty minutes late. The receptionist made no attempt ...
expect a miracle
Yesterday was Day 2 of this year's five days of treatment. I'm not too worse for wear, which is wonderful. The side effects tend to be cumulative, so I'm not counting my chickens but I am expecting a ...
a hell of a MS
My first thought after being diagnosed with MS was "but I want to grow old with my husband". Immediately I imagined losing the ability to look after myself and winding up in an old people's home ...