Good things are normally described as "the best thing since sliced bread" but truly great things should be described as "the best thing since sliced cheese" because that stuff is a serious time saver ...
how to beer batter fish
Many people make a list of forty things to do before they turn forty. I've chosen to focus on just two. I'm going to catch two more big fish before I turn the big 4 0 next ...
soy poached salmon with soba noodles + a few things I learned at university
This post is brought to you by Origin Energy Even at University I knew that studying zoology was going to be a niche market. I knew there wouldn't be loads of application to real life. Sure, ...
Goan Fish Curry + the numbers game
I can wrap up my week's accomplishments in numbers: 7: hours spent last Wednesday in a round-trip to Ikea 45: dollars spent on meatballs, cheese and reindeer-shaped pasta 2: constructions with ...
parsley, sage, rosemary and having a great time – the Gourmet Garden Cook Off
Day 2 of the Gourmet Garden Bloggers Conference started with a bus ride from Noosa to Woodford via Beerwah. I was within a few hundred meters of the Sisters for a few moments there - luckily I'd only ...
bites for blokes – Jan’s man food
Long term readers will recall my tearful reunion with Jack last year. Jack is a bit of a doggy delinquent and I’ve collected him from many far flung places over the years. If I’d only strapped a ...