Dear Readers, I'm perplexed. Quelle surprise. The nature of my confusion is not of global concern, after all, this blog doesn’t consider existential thought* and the only string theory around here ...
Girls just wanna have Passionfruit and Lime Brûlée
An SMS in the afternoon light to a mate who I knew would understand my plight. Oh Susan dear, you were once a stay at home Mum remember girls just wanna have fun adult conversation? The phone rang ...
three fast and fabulous frittata recipes
We caught up with a small portion of Bearhands’ extended family on the weekend for brunch. Frittatas are traditionally a Spanish breakfast dish. They’re tasty and perfectly portable, which made them ...
crustless besan flour quiche + cadavers
I do my best work in the shower. I’m not sure what it is about being in a lather, but I have my best ideas there. I've practiced my married signature, named my children and written countless blog ...
Cracking the perfect boiled egg – Egg Timer App
I'm a little bit addicted to my iPhone. I'm always downloading new apps - some which deliver, many that do not. Eggs were on the menu this morning, so I thought I'd test drive the Egg Timer App ...