Would you believe Target is sponsoring another fashion post written by me? It may have been hard to tell from the tumbleweeds on the blog but it’s been a very exciting couple of weeks in Casa de ...
angels, sweethearts, jackets + pseudonyms
This is a sponsored post for Target Australia. My fingers could not type fast enough when I learned that Kenny Rodgers was performing at the Gympie Muster last year. Bearhands was keen, so was ...
good timing and the Target toy sale + giveaway
This is a sponsored post. The girls’ birthdays fall a week apart in July. The timing is educationally fortuitous according to the Big Sister’s Kindy teacher. I tend to view it as having unknowingly ...
vignettes for the unfashionable
We all have that one mate who effortlessly throws together a man's shirt, some buttons she turned into earrings & a jaunty bowler hat and looks fabulous. I am not that mate. Similarly, I know ...
i should not have nice things + a giveaway
I should not have nice things. Nice things are not long-lived in my possession. I cracked the sapphire ring my grandparents gave my mother for her 21st birthday. How on earth do you crack a ...
Osaka, sushi and what happens when I’m told I can’t
In 1991 Mrs Hagiwara sent a note home to my parents suggesting that I discontinue Japanese lessons - it wasn't working out. Languages are not my strong suit and Mrs Hagiwara had a point. But ...