Looking back I think Siri knew I was sister wife material. Driving along, not long after joining what David called ‘the iphone revolution’ I pushed the button and spoke into the headphones “Call my ...
beer brownies + the time bearhands kicked butt
Bearhands quit smoking when I was four months pregnant with the Big Sister. He'd always promised he'd be finished with the fags by the time we had a family, but I'll admit when he chose a pricey ...
photo bombs + Afghan biscuits
Bearhands and I honeymooned in the Northern Territory. When we returned from our break, I set about writing thank you notes to our 120+ guests. I included a photo from our wedding and a snap of us ...
three spotty dresses, two Christmas recipes and an alligator in a pear tree
OK, there wasn't a pear tree, but the rest TOTALLY happened! Yesterday was a hot one - the mercury peaked at 37°C just as I arrived at Australia Zoo with the girls to meet Santa. Why oh why did I ...
Zucchini and Chocolate Chip Patty Cakes
Lately the Big Sister has decided that she doesn't like zucchini. A very dear friend of mine spends the majority of her waking minutes picking these little green treasures, so this simply will not ...
Chilli Chocolate Cake
I think chilli and chocolate is a winning combination, so in the spirit of Blog Off/ Cook Off week I thought I'd have a crack at a chilli chocolate cake.I've adapted a recipe that a member had ...